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  1. #101
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Angry We need your help - strange things in LOTRO

    Hello guys,
    sometimes when I travel to various destinations in LOTRO every time I find strange things ... for example: trungs just in the middle at the point where almost nobody goes, dead bear with bunny on his head - it is in Wildermore. (server - Crickhollow)
    What this means? I'm affraid of it.
    Please help me with this strange problem.
    Thank you so much,

  2. #102
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Theisms39 View Post
    Hello guys,
    sometimes when I travel to various destinations in LOTRO every time I find strange things ... for example: trungs just in the middle at the point where almost nobody goes, dead bear with bunny on his head - it is in Wildermore. (server - Crickhollow)
    What this means? I'm affraid of it.
    Please help me with this strange problem.
    Thank you so much,
    This is harmless fun.

    It's just an "easter egg", which is something added to the game content as a bit of humor. In this case it is a reference to the movie Monty Python and the Holy Grail and the Rabbit of Caerbannog: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rabbit_of_Caerbannog

    There are many little easter eggs in LOTRO, such as the snowman in Ered Luin or the Bird and Baby Inn in Michel Delving. (Tolkien and his friends met at The Eagle and Child pub for a beer and discussion. They called the pub The Bird and Baby.)
    The Lag is so bad I saw Sara Oakheart outrun someone - kickman77

    Cener, Ingo, Rilibald, Hesred, Halras, Belegthelion, Ingoror, Gloringo
    Arkenstone (ex-Elendilmir) - The Osgiliath Guard - http://www.theoldergamers.com

  3. #103
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Gee, What a Surprise

    I was sent in this direction by a game mod, as I had an issue I wanted to bring to the dev's attention. And what do you know... I can't really do what came here to do because I can't post to the form thread I was pointed to. Why does it have to be so hard to connect with the people whose pockets we VIP members are filling? I have a genuine concern that needs to be voiced, and here I sit with a leash on. I get the whole spam thing, but it should be easy enough to check how long a particular forum member has been registered with the game. Slamming the door in my face only makes you look more unapproachable than you already are.

    As my voice doesn't matter, I won't be coming back.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Nov 2017

    Been Playing for several months, still cannot post to regular forum. Hmm.

    Been Playing for several months, still cannot post to regular forum. Hmm.
    Do I have to create a certain minimum of posts in this thread or other newbie threads to be allowed to post to LOTRO Beacon thread?

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Dec 2017

    empty server

    Hi, i am european player (Central European time). I created my account before 6 years on american server – i dont know why, i was too young and this thinks werent important for me. I played with friends and it was good. A week ago, i installed LOTRO again and start playing solo. Game is perfekt, but i meet little ammout of players. For example; i have problem to find a fellowship to Lone-lands instances… i am captain and i want play with another players; its reason why i play MMO… So, can you write your opinions, experiences with another servers etc? Thanks.
    Note: I am playing in european evening – ussually 7 p.m.- 11 p.m.

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    As an European playing on US server(Gladden), I never had too much problems with forming a group in the time frame you've mentioned, however I am a member of an active kin and all my toons are above lvl 50 at least.

    I'd say it may be a bit difficult to find company for lower regions regardless of server so I have two suggestions: join a kin (there are quite a few that use tortoise stone) or roll an alt on European world to see if it's any better there - maybe try Evernight and Laurelin first.

  7. #107
    Join Date
    Dec 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by kudurru1 View Post
    As an European playing on US server(Gladden), I never had too much problems with forming a group in the time frame you've mentioned, however I am a member of an active kin and all my toons are above lvl 50 at least.

    I'd say it may be a bit difficult to find company for lower regions regardless of server so I have two suggestions: join a kin (there are quite a few that use tortoise stone) or roll an alt on European world to see if it's any better there - maybe try Evernight and Laurelin first.
    ok, thanks you. i understand that there is low number of players in some regions, its acceptable if you thinks that other servers have similar population in same time, its fine.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    I wanted to post in the Looking for Kinship forum but no access. Can a mod move the below post over there for me? I am a brand new player. I have purchased all your expansions and have a sub. So pretty please?


    Character name: Shadeflayer / Man / Hunter

    Age: Toto & REO Speedwagon mean anything to you?

    Server: Arkenstone

    Location: U.S. / East Coast time zone

    Playstyle: Casual / Solo / PVE / End Game & Raiding (eventually)

    History: WoW, RIFT, GW2, Diablo, Neverwinter Nights, Skyforge, Destiny 2, etc...

    Looking for: Melo, easy going LARGE Kin (20+) that is active. Not interested in RP, PVP,
    leading, debating, arguing, talking politics, alternative lifestyles, or
    your cats/dogs bowel movements. Just want to learn and play the game, have
    fun, run content together, and escape the real world for a bit. I am on-line
    several nights a week, many hours on the weekend so I will be engaged and

    Other: Only interested in a Kin that the majority of members are active in my time
    zone. Been in guilds with west coast / EU players many a time and just not
    interested in missing out on all the guild activities, or ending my play
    time for the day right when everyone is getting on. So frustrating...

    I am a member of Gaiscioch Social Gaming Community and an off and on member
    of the Old Timers Guild.

    I am a former (career) Army guy with little patience for stupid.


  9. #109
    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    This is a test post. My next 4 posts will also be test posts. Until I can post in the real forums. I don't have any questions.
    Mirkwood Elf. Champion. Events Officer of Second Breakfast, Crickhollow. Band Leader of Alt Rock Band.

  10. #110
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Sadly I'm also locked out of the discussions at the forums that i'm interested in. Quite humourous that a player currently celebrating 10-years in LOTRO and is locked in the "New Player Questions"-section of the forum.

  11. #111
    Join Date
    Apr 2018
    Same here, can't post anywhere else.

  12. #112
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Yes, there used to be a problem with a certain Indian (think he was Indian) guru spamming the chat so new posters (in that you hadn't posted to the forums before) were restricted to where they could post. I haven't seen the guru for a while tho'. Maybe he realised he was wasting his time?

  13. #113
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Altair6 View Post
    Yes, there used to be a problem with a certain Indian (think he was Indian) guru spamming the chat so new posters (in that you hadn't posted to the forums before) were restricted to where they could post. I haven't seen the guru for a while tho'. Maybe he realised he was wasting his time?
    Or the forum anti-spam tactics are working...

    Sergio :-)
    Moved from Riddermark to Landroval on 2/10/1015!

  14. #114
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Trying to see if it works.

  15. #115
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Altair6 View Post
    Yes, there used to be a problem with a certain Indian (think he was Indian) guru spamming the chat so new posters (in that you hadn't posted to the forums before) were restricted to where they could post. I haven't seen the guru for a while tho'. Maybe he realised he was wasting his time?
    Maybe he did

  16. #116
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Been a VIP for several years, never posted to a forum, but want to reply to a post now

    So 4 year VIP member here. I have to post here to get permission to reply to other forums? OK I am posting here. I wanted to reply to the May 10 2018 beacon post because they said they are giving away 500 LP for answering what is the best beer in ME. I was going to say, "I'll have what the gentleman on the floor is having." When will I be allowed to post?

  17. #117
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Dejakester View Post
    So 4 year VIP member here. I have to post here to get permission to reply to other forums? OK I am posting here. I wanted to reply to the May 10 2018 beacon post because they said they are giving away 500 LP for answering what is the best beer in ME. I was going to say, "I'll have what the gentleman on the floor is having." When will I be allowed to post?
    You should be able to post in other threads in a couple of days max. There are restrictions placed on new accounts or the old ones that have never posted in the forum before.

    You can refer to the sticky note at the top:

  18. #118
    Join Date
    Jun 2018

    My question was answered

    I guess my question was answered about why I could not post in other threads. Hopefully, I will soon be able to though.

  19. #119
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    It is annoying not being able to post right away when a matter you care about comes up but we all got to suffer to the bad of a few

  20. #120
    Join Date
    Jun 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by stinkyskunk View Post
    It is annoying not being able to post right away when a matter you care about comes up but we all got to suffer to the bad of a few
    Quite agreed. I wanted to give my feedback to the devs when they were asking our opinions about the new changes to the classes and lo and behold, I am unable to. I guess they really didn't want to hear our thoughts


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