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  1. #1676
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Urwendil View Post
    Don't forget to give him a mustache and sideburns!
    Oh yeah definitely. The guy in a dress I've seen hanging around has a beard. There's another guy with a long beard wearing a flower circlet and a white death shroud. But he looks more like a deranged hippie guru. Carries a shovel around too. Probably indicating he's buried someone behind the AC.

  2. #1677
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I was questing in Evendim with my level 40 Beorning, when an on level hunter approached me and spammed me with spar requests. I declined as I was reading the quest dialogue, and was not in the mood for sparring.

    After awhile it became really annoying, so I accepted the next invite. After the fight (I won), he started spamming me with: "YOU NOOB DUNT USE HEALING IN PVPP", and gems like "AR U 14 YEAR OLD KID?????"

    After explaining to him that the only heals not allowed in sparring are morale pots (I only used Hearten), he stopped sending me tells.

    People are strange.

  3. #1678
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheaezra View Post
    The guy in a dress I've seen hanging around has a beard.
    Sounds like an female dwarf to me

  4. #1679
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Tenuke View Post
    Sounds like an female dwarf to me
    Too tall. But come to mention it, I did actually also see a Dwarf in a dress shopping in Lalia's.

  5. #1680
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheaezra View Post
    Too tall. But come to mention it, I did actually also see a Dwarf in a dress shopping in Lalia's.
    Not a rare sight. There's even a female Dwarf kin on Landy.

  6. #1681
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    Saw a weird situation yesterday. There was a small band playing near the South Bree Gate, as usual and a few peeps hanging around the band. After a while it was clear a couple of guys were up really close to the female musicians and I kept hearing the slapping emote. I figured at first they were all friends. But then I noticed I could see their conversation, and these two guys were just bullying the three girls until they gave up and millstoned outta there.

    I wonder if I should have written down names and reported the harassment. And I now wish I had bought a fish slap emote real quick and started waling away on the chief bully.

  7. #1682
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sheaezra View Post
    I wonder if I should have written down names and reported the harassment.
    Absolutely. So should the harassed musicians.

  8. #1683
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Urwendil View Post
    Absolutely. So should the harassed musicians.
    Pointless - this world belongs to the harrassers as Turbine hands it over to them on a silver plate. Harrassment is an accepted part of life. Live with it.

  9. #1684
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    Nov 2015
    One of the musicians was saying she was going to report harassment. And the bully said 'what for, using the slap emote?'. I noticed he had a VIP portrait frame. So yeah prolly nothing would have been done.

  10. #1685
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coeprandua View Post
    Pointless - this world belongs to the harrassers as Turbine hands it over to them on a silver plate. Harrassment is an accepted part of life. Live with it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheaezra View Post
    One of the musicians was saying she was going to report harassment. And the bully said 'what for, using the slap emote?'. I noticed he had a VIP portrait frame. So yeah prolly nothing would have been done.
    Pretty recently a friend of mine got a week long ban for spamming cappy healing banners at a concert.

    Just yesterday l reported a gold seller. The conformation note (not auto/bot) came in shortly.

  11. #1686
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    Dec 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Callipho View Post
    I was on a female toon. A guy offered to help my group with a quest, so he does, and afterward, he's talking about a quest he has to do, so I offer to tag along. At this point, everything seems fine, we head there, kill the mob we need to, and I think at this point we'll be parting ways. But he had other ideas in mind...

    But in as friendly a way as possible, I let him know that I'll be going to join a group for another quest. He starts working on another quest, and later sends me some tells, and we have a conversation about the game. Everything seems fine, and then I think he starts to have some problems with his group... he complains, I say "lol"... now he gets EMO. "I'm too ***** for lols right now." After that he berated me for not helping him more. Two hours later, I get a tell about how he's not himself sometimes... SCARY. Keep the emo to yourself.
    You know, that guy could come on here and say the same about you RP-ing a female toon?! Creeps!
    Needless to say, all weirdos tend to take on a new or completely different identity to portray to be less creepy than IRL. (talking about weirdos in general on the internet)

    I don't know what makes you think that guy was weird for acting like any other male, who's being treated nicely by a female, but this only shows me you guys roleplaying female toons have issues and are the weirdos in this example.
    Role Playing is race-bound or class-bound and not gender-bound! This isn't Second Life! Or take the consequences, which is that means that you are the weirdo!

  12. #1687
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    Nov 2015
    One guy (or guy character) started up a real friendly conversation with me in the AC, and then all of sudden asked "Are you male?" I said yes and he walked right out the door lol.

  13. #1688
    maartena's Avatar
    maartena is offline The Wise
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    Weird encounters over the years:

    1) I was leveling up in Forochel and encountered an individual who was mining ore there and had developed some form of route between areas where ore nodes popped up. I was also mining ore while leveling, and I got a tell from him that I was "messing up his routine" and to kindly leave ALL the ore nodes in that are to him, and if I could please go mine ore in Angmar or something.

    I told him he could sod off. It's possible he was using some form of automation that would break if a node wasn't there when his toon arrived at it, but that is pure speculation. He probably picked that zone because it was always quiet. (Still on Riddermark).

    2) Similarly, I arrived in east Angmar to get Esteldin rep items from a group of orcs there. I entered the area, and started killing orcs. I noticed a minute or so later that someone was already there killing stuff as well. He was a level 52 and had to take more time to kill each orc.... where I was a level 100 and sort of one-shotting them all with my mini. He got upset with me "taking his orcs" and to leave some for him. So I invited him to a fellowship. He declined. I explained to him that if we were fellowed, we would kill faster and we would both get lots of loot. He declined again and told me: I don't group and you need to leave me some orcs..... I tried once again telling him about the advantages of grouping and the amount of loot he would get from me killing everything. Nope, could not do. He was not going to group up, and demanded I left him half the orc camp..... I made it a point to steal all of his kills from that point on. He left about 5 minutes later with a "EFF YOU" tell. - Yeah ok... I offered to group up and help you out, you know....

    3) A guy started hitting on one of my female toons. I immediately informed him that I was a male player steering a female hobbit. You would think it would stop there.... no... he didn't BELIEVE I was a male player, and he said that I only told him that to get rid of him. He was convinced I was a female for at least a week or so. I got report from kinnies that he was hitting on their female toons as well.

    4) This is a generic weirdness: People that log on to the game, and subsequently go stand in South Bree and jump around, and then proclaim to /world: I'm bored, somebody run something. - Half an hour later they are still standing there. And it's not the standing around that is weird, I do it often enough when I am half-AFK, watching a TV show, reading websites or whatnot.... No, it's them saying they are bored, often repeatedly, and them continuously jumping around which indicates they aren't doing something else, they just sit there pressing the spacebar over and over being.... well... bored.

    5) This might be ME being the weird one: When sparring was allowed in the Aldburg crafting hall and that was the busiest hub before Gondor was released.... there was always some people - usually wardens too for some obnoxious reason - that wanted to spar RIGHT THERE, because that way they would get an audience. I got so sick of hearing the same dudes spar over and over that I logged on my minstrel and started healing ONE of them. After I got tells from both of them to stop it because it wasn't fair, I told them: Nope. Take your sparring outside the crafting hall. As long as you are in here, I will heal one of you, and only one.

    6) Mini's that say they are a DPS mini and refuse to heal.

    7) I was had a guy spamming me with invites to help him in/near the Forsaken Inn. He was 21 or so.... I was level 95 at the time and I was there to do some of those repeatable eglain quests to get to kindred. He kept on inviting me, and telling me "plzzzz help me level". At one point he was even saying that he was going to go tell everyone that I was an awful player. I told him to leave me alone, but he kept bugging me. I eventually accepted his fellowship request and told him to follow me..... I went up around weathertop to that area with the level 50 orcs and lead him straight to one of em, who - of course - pounded him into the sand. He started screaming and cussing at me..... I felt bad because I had been mean, but told him to leave me alone or I would sic all of those orcs on him. I think he believed I could actually do that somehow..... Never heard from him again.

    8) In the days before autoloot: People that would mine ore, take the ore, but LEAVE the special crafting items that you sometimes get too, and then you come around and find a node with NO ore, but just a special crafting ingredient..... Grmmbl.

    9) Some really weird person who would follow me around the Bree crafting hall and /slap me continuously. I would move to the vault, he would move. I would go to auction, he would move. I would go back to the workbench, he would move. He would always be right on top of me. I just ignored him and did my crafting..... I had like 400 hides to process and went AFK, he was still slapping me when I came back 15 minutes later.

    10) A mini that was being a total dikk in GLLF (in the days before World Chat), and had threatened to kill everyone on raids by pulling things. And so the NEXT day we PUG'd a BG raid, and there he was.... pulling a bunch of mobs, then mini-flopping right in front of us and laughing. The funny thing was is that we were somewhat prepared, as the raid leader had briefed us before he joined about what he had planned to do the day before and wanted to teach him a lesson. We all agreed, as we knew the person as being troll-some. So all of us were doing our best NOT to get killed (we had another healer in this mini's group and the other group was covered), and HE was the one that kept dying because he would pull, and we would retreat as far as possible, and he wouldn't make it all the way back to us..... He got angrier and angrier and left after dying again. At that point we were an hour in and had completed the lion share of the raid, and we had not wiped yet. We invited a standby character and completed the raid about 30 minutes later..... To piss him off though (he was still yapping in GLFF), we pretended that 10/12 First Age Symbols had dropped! 10! He was sooooo mad because he had been crying for someone to give him one for weeks.... (The reality was that TWO dropped, which was still very good at the time).
    Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
    Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.

  14. #1689
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheaezra View Post
    One guy (or guy character) started up a real friendly conversation with me in the AC, and then all of sudden asked "Are you male?" I said yes and he walked right out the door lol.
    This is why I started playing male characters...

    *hits the way back machine* You can stop reading from here.

    Some of my best rp was as a male toon with female toons, most of which were females rl. Strangely enough I got IC married twice to female toons (different male toons) I was starting to think that if guys wanted to know what women wanted they needed to talk to me... but I also got the feeling that they didn't want to act like a male in the situation they wanted to -be- the male. (convoluted but I understand)

    The ladies (rl) decided they needed a special channel for just ladies. No guys allowed. Of course the guys wanted in and they complained that the women were being sexist. [etc.] So they decided to make their own channel. Guys only. RL guys only. Man cave, *grunt*. I got invited. I accepted. Here is the weird part. They asked me to come up with some questions to ask that only guys would know. They made some suggestions and I shot most of them down. [cuz I knew the answers to those questions and since I was female rl I figured those wouldn't work] So when I got to the questions I thought would separate the men from the boy... er women the guys couldn't answer them. [who was the star soccer player from Argentina... no I don't remember the guys name now... and what is the function of a carburetor?] The bowed to my superior knowledge of the male experience and just let me interview the candidates. I cringe at the next tell from one of the guys that thought I was the epitome of maleness. Unfortunately the question he asked I could not answer. I've never tasted that particular... item. It still would not filter out rl females because some of them that played really liked females. Really.

    It changed how I view some fruits...

    ...and why I went back to playing my rl gender more often.

    [if you really want to know what the question was, and how I got around it, pm me. be warned that is srsly nsfw.]
    Sig looked hideous so I sent it to its room. It can come back and
    show off after it has thought about what it did.

  15. #1690
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Noob here but I saw these guys several times as I was running character/class combos through the intro to see what I liked

    A box set, all the same, that see to be controlled by one guy poorly

    a set of 5 ministrils mamed AKNIFE ASWORD AMACE ADAGGER ASTAFF dressed in all black with barefeet

    looked like they guy was having control issues, because they would all go in li9ne stagger after each other...or stand in one place over lapping each other for a long time....this was in the Archet Intro
    Last edited by HardestyGrimwall; Mar 02 2016 at 08:00 PM.

  16. #1691
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by HardestyGrimwall View Post
    Noob here but I saw these guys several times as I was running character/class combos through the intro to see what I liked

    A box set, all the same, that see to be controlled by one guy poorly

    a set of 5 ministrils mamed AKNIFE ASWORD AMACE ADAGGER ASTAFF dressed in all black with barefeet

    looked like they guy was having control issues, because they would all go in li9ne stagger after each other...or stand in one place over lapping each other for a long time....this was in the Archet Intro
    He was playing the lead one and the rest were /follow-ing.

    One of my kinnies 6-boxes a set of Loremasters in PvE (only). Mostly to setup and maintain a bunch of houses and kinhouses for his granddaughters.

    Anyway, I ran into him at Bree West Gate. He had his 6 lowbie LMs and 6 bears in a little cluster by the stable. We exchanged some pleasantries and then he grabbed a stable ride.

    He forgot to un-follow.

    I and several other bystanders were treated to the sight of five Loremasters and their bears suddenly madly flying down the road toward The Shire trying to keep up with a stable horse.
    The Lag is so bad I saw Sara Oakheart outrun someone - kickman77

    Cener, Ingo, Rilibald, Hesred, Halras, Belegthelion, Ingoror, Gloringo
    Arkenstone (ex-Elendilmir) - The Osgiliath Guard - http://www.theoldergamers.com

  17. #1692
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nosdracir View Post
    He forgot to un-follow.

    I and several other bystanders were treated to the sight of five Loremasters and their bears suddenly madly flying down the road toward The Shire trying to keep up with a stable horse.
    Just imagining the scene gave me loud chuckles!


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