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  1. #1
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    Sep 2010

    Nestad Parchment Still Doesn't Work

    To quote myself from the RK Forum

    Quote Originally Posted by JeauxLOTR View Post
    From the 13.1 Release Notes: Nestad Infused Parchments were no longer working after the class revamp. The attunement effect has been replaced with an effect that guarantees Epic for the Ages will critically hit

    I don't know what is meant by 'Attunement Effect', but Epic for the Ages still doesn't work for a DPS traited RK. I used a Parchment and EftA still remains grey'd out. I just tested this on BR and there is still an attunement restriction to using EftA. [any use of the work 'You' means 'You' the Game and not 'You' any particular person]. Nestad Parchments are Still not working in 13.1.

    I'm sure giving EftA as a basic skill looked good on paper, but it Fails in application. Why are you giving players a skill that they can't use. Sure, higher level RKs can spend points on Mending Verse to be able to reach attunement, but lower level players are really hurt. If a lower level RK (EftA is a level 18 skill) wants to use this skill, they have to spend 2 of their 6 skill points in BoP to get Mending Verse to be able to use a skill that is Basic?

    It is as obvious as the smoke plume out of Mount Doom, Epic for the Ages is a massive failure as a basic skill. Writ of Health should be the replacement skill.

    Why must a RK have to spend 2 Trait tree points to get Mending Verse, buy/make Enamels, buy/make Parchments just to be able to use a BASIC skill? Without doing those things, it is not possible to build up the Healing Attunement high enough to use Epic for the Ages.
    Member of the Vocal Minority

  2. #2
    Jinjaah is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeauxLOTR View Post

    Without doing those things, it is not possible to build up the Healing Attunement high enough to use Epic for the Ages.
    I am not sure what you mean by this? Once you have at least one Healing Attunement, Epic For The Ages is usable or are you referring to something else?


  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinjaah View Post
    I am not sure what you mean by this? Once you have at least one Healing Attunement, Epic For The Ages is usable or are you referring to something else?

    I believe what he is talking about is the fact that when we typically need to use EftA is when we have been fighting and are in dire need of morale. This means that typically we have a lot of attunement built up. Now the old way that would be a royal pain to get rid of... But now We can Shocking Words, Combustion, etc... to spend out our Battle Attunement. Then we need to do a quick Prelude to Hope followed by an enamle to boost our heal attunement so that our EftA is more than a weaker version of itself. And of course now that we have a good 4+ into healing we have to spend that probably on a bubble to drop us back to Neutral and start fighting again.

    This is a very strange mechanic to use and has a good 5 steps to it where as the old Parchments were nice one step to 'enable' use of the skills from the opposite attunement.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeauxLOTR View Post
    To quote myself from the RK Forum

    Why must a RK have to spend 2 Trait tree points to get Mending Verse, buy/make Enamels, buy/make Parchments just to be able to use a BASIC skill? Without doing those things, it is not possible to build up the Healing Attunement high enough to use Epic for the Ages.
    You can build up healing attunement with Prelude to Hope and also switch attunement with Steady Hands, that is how you get to use EftA. I am not sure however if you get any of these before level 18.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jinjaah View Post
    I am not sure what you mean by this? Once you have at least one Healing Attunement, Epic For The Ages is usable or are you referring to something else?

    I believe that at level 18 when you get EftA you have no way of generating a healing attunement when not traited in blue spec. So the skill remains inaccessible at least until you get PtH and SH, as mentioned above. I was not able to test this with parchments yet.

  5. #5
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    Before the class revamp the Parchments removed the attunement requirement for Epic for the Ages.
    So you could still use the skill while your Attunement Meter is is building up red indicators.

    This no longer worked with the trait tree update. (for an unknown reason)
    So they changed it to crit on the next use. Which is actually really good considering this:

    • Apply to target on critical:
    • Critical heals heal allies around the target

    You get EftE with level 18.

    Loosing Attunment to be able to use the skill is pretty easy.

    I use Steady Hands (lvl 26).
    or Epic Conclusion / Sustaining Bolt + Prelude to Hope

    The new Parchments add 1 or 2 more steps. It also lets you always end up in a healing attunement, but this is probably a good thing.
    Last edited by Schinderhannes; May 01 2014 at 03:55 PM.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinjaah View Post
    I am not sure what you mean by this? Once you have at least one Healing Attunement, Epic For The Ages is usable or are you referring to something else?


    Nestad parchments have always been used to ensure that it doesn't matter what attunement you're at, you can pop EFTA. Getting the extra +Healrating for that use is just a small bonus.
    Crell-L85-Champion - Riddermark ; Swego-L85-Burglar ; Kotvi-L95-Runekeeper
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  7. #7
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    And if you're in DMG-Attunement/red attunement you can just use Steady Hand and get very far into green/healing attunement, so with my level 44 rk I can get a bubble with 2-2,5 of my maximum morale out of nothing every 30 seconds when I'm in the yellow line. And Steady Hand has only 40 seconds Cooldown.

    With the Fulgutite Runestone and Writ of Lightning you're within 2-3 seconds 9 attunement to the red. So what I'm normally doing when I'm soloing is getting very fast to full DMG-Attunement and then using the skills which become stronger with more attunement, but bring the attunement back to neutral. Then I either go again to full red attunement either for using another dmg-skill or using steady hands, when I got too much damage, getting the bubble and using one heal skill (you're neutral after the bubble again) to use EftA, or I directly go from neutral to 1 healing attunment and get the bubble if it's really, really narrow and then use EftA after the Bubble again. So my Rk had partially intro-gear with level 41/42 and could still blow away 43-45 monsters without great difficulties in that way. I haven't played him much since U13, but that hasn't changed that much, I have more incoming damage, but it's still fine (but I have to say, that I have crafted level 42-gear in the meantime).

    So, I think the problem here was just, that before the Class revamp you could use the parchment for getting EftA even in DMG-Attunement and now it's not the case any more and you still thought that that's the effect of the parchment? What I'm thinking about that change is that you can now use steady hand on a fairly regular basis making it far more easier and effective to use EftA and bubble who are only available in healing attunement - and the Nestad parchment will guarantee you, that the EftA heal is far more than you need. I normally need just this heal to be completly full again from even 10-20% of my morale...

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Schinderhannes View Post
    You get EftE with level 18.

    Loosing Attunment to be able to use the skill is pretty easy.

    I use Steady Hands (lvl 26).
    or Epic Conclusion / Sustaining Bolt + Prelude to Hope

    Yeah, that's what I meant, have overread it before. ^^

    Just that I sometimes use it with a little addition:

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Orodbril View Post
    Yeah, that's what I meant, have overread it before. ^^

    Just that I sometimes use it with a little addition:

    Using Steady Hands and then Word of Exaltation is a bit of a waste since Word/Essay of Exalation both clearn our Healing Attunement. If in battle I find that its best to use a Fulgerite Runestone, Shocking Words or Shocking Touch to stun my foes and maybe clear my attunement before healing. Then save Word of Exalation for when I'm ready to move back over to DPS so it can clear my Heal Attunement.

    Also if you are Fire the options for clearing your Attunement in DPS are Shocking Words/Smouldering Wrath/Combustion.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by PKCrichton View Post
    Using Steady Hands and then Word of Exaltation is a bit of a waste since Word/Essay of Exalation both clearn our Healing Attunement. If in battle I find that its best to use a Fulgerite Runestone, Shocking Words or Shocking Touch to stun my foes and maybe clear my attunement before healing. Then save Word of Exalation for when I'm ready to move back over to DPS so it can clear my Heal Attunement.

    Also if you are Fire the options for clearing your Attunement in DPS are Shocking Words/Smouldering Wrath/Combustion.
    Yes, sorry, the other way round. That's what's happening when you don't see it in game and you're normally just doing it without having to think much about it. ^^

    This way, I'm just using it in real emergencies, so very rarely to have the bubble first before I can heal myself, EftA is still good enough then...

  11. #11
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    I think EftA is more a problem for lower level players and players who don't have access to enamel/inlay (I can make my own consumables so not a problem for me there). The parchments used to let the player use the skill at any point - like when they really need it. I like the idea of a known crit for EftA, but with an induction of 2.5s, knockback can be a problem. Even Mending Verse at 2.0s induction is a log time to wait/chance for knockback. We don't have a fast heal skill other than the whimpy Prelude to hope. I understand nothing will change for 13.1

    All areas of RK healing need a really good look for U14.
    Member of the Vocal Minority

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by JeauxLOTR View Post
    All areas of RK healing need a really good look for U14.
    Yes. RK healing needs to change. There are several things I have thought about that can be directly reimplemented, but this is really what I have come to realise would make RK healing viable (RK inductions are a SEVERE PROBLEM):

    1. Add RK healing tier 4 skill - Glorious Foreshadowing [+50% incoming healing; -40% incoming damage; duration 10 seconds] - in line with this remove it from being a proc from healing line AND remove Rune Sign of Winter - they are utterly useless and no RK would use them (too short duration on both skills/proc, too long CD on Rune sign of Winter, very long attack duration on Rune Sign of Winter).
    2. Replace the proc "- healing induction duration" in the healing line apply with a 25% chance to make "next healing skill instant cast".

    That is all. If I could see these skills implemented, I think we would have a lot of very happy RKs who would actually make use of the skills we have rather than struggling to choose heal most times.
    Last edited by tigrjonok; May 02 2014 at 08:26 AM.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hyos View Post
    I believe that at level 18 when you get EftA you have no way of generating a healing attunement when not traited in blue spec. So the skill remains inaccessible at least until you get PtH and SH, as mentioned above. I was not able to test this with parchments yet.
    Actually you get Prelude to Hope right away at level 1 so you CAN build healing attunement to open EftA, but it is slow. I believe we also get our bubble before 18, (14 I think maybe?) which will often give me the seconds I need to hit PtH enough to get a decent attunement. It is definitely a tedious process, though.

  14. #14
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    One nitpick: I don't consider rune sign of winter useless nor is the cooldown an issue. The cooldown closely matches the skill duration, though I wouldn't mind if the duration was extended. Hopefully, we'll see some very useful changes when the overall duration of hots is looked at for update 14.
    Would I like to see glorious foreshadowing changed back to what it was (as you propose, though with a shorter duration)? Yes! That skill was pure awesome, though a tad overpowered, but I doubt we'll see anything resembling that again.

    I think we'll find the adjustments to hot durations will help with overall fluidity/clunkiness/healing output... Well, that, and a nerf to bolster courage .
    I would like to see mending verse reverted back to what it was though... (No cooldown, longer duration).

    Quote Originally Posted by tigrjonok View Post
    Yes. RK healing needs to change. There are several things I have thought about that can be directly reimplemented, but this is really what I have come to realise would make RK healing viable (RK inductions are a SEVERE PROBLEM):

    1. Add RK healing tier 4 skill - Glorious Foreshadowing [+50% incoming healing; -40% incoming damage; duration 10 seconds] - in line with this remove it from being a proc from healing line AND remove Rune Sign of Winter - they are utterly useless and no RK would use them (too short duration on both skills/proc, too long CD on Rune sign of Winter, very long attack duration on Rune Sign of Winter).
    2. Replace the proc "- healing induction duration" in the healing line apply with a 25% chance to make "next healing skill instant cast".

    That is all. If I could see these skills implemented, I think we would have a lot of very happy RKs who would actually make use of the skills we have rather than struggling to choose heal most times.



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