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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Archet doesn't need a revamp. It could use a couple tweaks though. All the required content should be easy. This area is about tutorial and introduction, not challenge. However, it would be cool if there were a couple really challenging parts for vets or players to group up for.

  2. #27
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    It already underwent a revamp. Used to be much harder. I know , I took 15 characters through it.

  3. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    I miss ol Bloodtusk...one of my character still has that quest in the log...never completed it and now it's just a reminder of just how hard the game used to be.

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Ferathyr View Post
    I have just started a new Hobbit character and of course started in Archet. I think it is time that Turbine revamped the introduction like they have with other areas in the game. Why?

    1: The Archet/Combe gate blockade: This gate is visible from the Inn in Combe, it does not make sense that they ignore the fact that there is a pile of debris blocking the gate, surely someone would have investigated. I know the idea was to stop the player from just leaving Archet but they could have achieved the same effect by simply having an actual gate there that is usually closed (thus the population of Combe would not see anything wrong) but the Blackwolds had locked it. You could place a couple of Blackwolds on look out with triggered speech upon the player approaching saying something like "No one has noticed yet, hurry before someone comes from Combe". Once the instance has been completed you can replace the gate with a broken one and have the guards from Combe standing there as if they had broke it open but were too late to intervene in the burning.

    2: My character had just walked through the Blackwolds HQ there one-shotting everything in sight yet did not have the choice to attack the bandits guarding the gate. That would have been a good opportunity to introduce a player to the concept of elite mobs. You could have one of the popup text warnings saying "These bandits look too tough for you to take on, you are likely to be defeated" and let players attack them if they wish. Even if they defeat them the gate (from suggestion 1) lock could be jammed.

    3: Make the wolf-master a little tougher, as it is he dies far too easily even for inexperienced players. The encounter really does not warrant the "A weakling like you defeated the wolf-master!" line from Calder Cob.

    4: What about Strider? where did he disappear to in all the hubbub?
    I would rather that they update other areas of the game than Archet, which has already been updated at least once. Places like Buckland could use an update. Everything there is so squished together that Buckland feels more like one town as opposed to a collection of small villages. Would be nice if they added Standelf too.
    Don't vote for Sapience...vote for meeeee!!!!!

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    Quote Originally Posted by donxavier View Post
    I would rather that they update other areas of the game than Archet, which has already been updated at least once.
    I started on LOTRO in 2005, and the Archet area has been the single most revised and revamped place in the game. When I joined the team, I got a disk with the first pass of Archet on it, and it's now seven or eight versions removed from that. I took a stab at it once, even (some of that version still remains, though not all of it).

    There's always room for improvement, but I think we've gotten most of the Win we're going to get from tweaking Archet. I'd rather focus on new content and on fixing areas that haven't already been touched as much.


  6. #31
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post

    There's always room for improvement, but I think we've gotten most of the Win we're going to get from tweaking Archet. I'd rather focus on new content and on fixing areas that haven't already been touched as much.

    Glorgnorbor, A Rock And A Hard Place, Stop by our Friday music shows! 4PM EST at the Bree West Gate on Dwarrowdelf!
    If a Malledhrim Soldier dies alone in the forest because of canceled quest, will it make a sound? ~Leixy
    Took me a few years, but I renewed my signature :)

  7. #32
    Join Date
    Apr 2008
    it would make more sense to wait for the Scouring of the Shire where we could do like a Hytbold like rebuild of the town. And yes Please do a revamp of Lonelands, every one of my alts is stuck out of sheer mind numbing boardrum having to go through that area

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    I started on LOTRO in 2005, and the Archet area has been the single most revised and revamped place in the game. When I joined the team, I got a disk with the first pass of Archet on it, and it's now seven or eight versions removed from that. I took a stab at it once, even (some of that version still remains, though not all of it).

    There's always room for improvement, but I think we've gotten most of the Win we're going to get from tweaking Archet. I'd rather focus on new content and on fixing areas that haven't already been touched as much.

    Next time Archet gets tweaked can you guys cut Ned Pruner a break? His wife keeps reliving this hell over and over...
    Jinxycat | Spinnerette
    Inept Officer | Creatures of the Fiery Kind

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    I started on LOTRO in 2005, and the Archet area has been the single most revised and revamped place in the game. When I joined the team, I got a disk with the first pass of Archet on it, and it's now seven or eight versions removed from that. I took a stab at it once, even (some of that version still remains, though not all of it).

    There's always room for improvement, but I think we've gotten most of the Win we're going to get from tweaking Archet. I'd rather focus on new content and on fixing areas that haven't already been touched as much.

    Makes sense to me. I would rather see effort put into other areas as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by robbie1435 View Post
    Yep and yep!

    Quote Originally Posted by nubcat View Post
    Next time Archet gets tweaked can you guys cut Ned Pruner a break? His wife keeps reliving this hell over and over...
    I lol'd. Your comment reminded me of the Impossible Girl story series in Doctor Who.

  10. #35
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    I also would like a lone-lands revamp, GA is an awesome quest area, and a great f2p end-game area, I feel like it could use some sprucing up, graphics, etc. The quests in lone-lands need some re-arranging as well. I sort of wish that when you guys were re-doing old regions, you actually added in new protagonists for each region to drive old players to roll new alts through them. Of course, I'd like to see GA instances scaled with both t1c preserved for accuracy, and new t2c mode for them built with lvl 100 characters and skillsets in mind. More mobs, more debuffs from mobs, mobs with stronger skill sets, things like that.

    As far as Archet goes, I saw a new player in /world the other day commenting "wow, I've done 10 quests in this game, and I'm already bored to tears, is the rest of the game like this?"
    The answer was basically, "well, it gets better, but yes, you will always be killing boars and wolves till lvl 100".

    So maybe there is still room for improvement.
    LvL 100s: Beorning, Burglar, Captain, Champ, Guardian, Hunter, Lore-Master, Minstrel, Rune-Keeper
    LvL 85: Warden, Minstrel
    All my forum posts are my opinions and may not even be that. Also On Twitter: @leixicon

  11. #36
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I heard some rumours that Archet is going to be a new revamped area for daily quests ^^
    Main character: Manegarm

    Hear me bark!

  12. #37
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    I started on LOTRO in 2005, and the Archet area has been the single most revised and revamped place in the game. When I joined the team, I got a disk with the first pass of Archet on it, and it's now seven or eight versions removed from that. I took a stab at it once, even (some of that version still remains, though not all of it).

    There's always room for improvement, but I think we've gotten most of the Win we're going to get from tweaking Archet. I'd rather focus on new content and on fixing areas that haven't already been touched as much.

    Darn, I knew they had done it a couple of times with the removal of the pickup quest from the flies and killing the pig, and the introduction of the Galadriel dream sequence but 7 or 8 times? as spock would say "fascinating".
    It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.


  13. #38
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by MadeOfLions View Post
    I started on LOTRO in 2005, and the Archet area has been the single most revised and revamped place in the game. When I joined the team, I got a disk with the first pass of Archet on it, and it's now seven or eight versions removed from that. I took a stab at it once, even (some of that version still remains, though not all of it).

    There's always room for improvement, but I think we've gotten most of the Win we're going to get from tweaking Archet. I'd rather focus on new content and on fixing areas that haven't already been touched as much.

    Like the Shire, perhaps??? Maybe we could finally get to see the Southfarthing?? Oh, I hope, I hope.
    Don't vote for Sapience...vote for meeeee!!!!!

  14. #39
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Leixy View Post
    I also would like a lone-lands revamp, GA is an awesome quest area, and a great f2p end-game area, I feel like it could use some sprucing up, graphics, etc. The quests in lone-lands need some re-arranging as well. I sort of wish that when you guys were re-doing old regions, you actually added in new protagonists for each region to drive old players to roll new alts through them. Of course, I'd like to see GA instances scaled with both t1c preserved for accuracy, and new t2c mode for them built with lvl 100 characters and skillsets in mind. More mobs, more debuffs from mobs, mobs with stronger skill sets, things like that.
    Lone-Lands has already had a revamp too, back in 2009 or 2010 I believe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Leixy View Post
    As far as Archet goes, I saw a new player in /world the other day commenting "wow, I've done 10 quests in this game, and I'm already bored to tears, is the rest of the game like this?"
    The answer was basically, "well, it gets better, but yes, you will always be killing boars and wolves till lvl 100".

    So maybe there is still room for improvement
    Every mmorpg I can think of has these kinds of quests, or variations on them: kill x, gather x. I've encountered them in WoW, Neverwinter, Guild Wars 2, Tera Online, Rift, etc. They seem to be a kind of a staple in this game genre. Not sure why that player was surprised to find them in Lotro.
    Don't vote for Sapience...vote for meeeee!!!!!


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