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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Angry Previously AH Sellable Nadhin armor suddenly Bind on ACQUIRE



    Today, after logging in after the July 21 update 16.2, I discovered some Nadhin armor I had for sale on the AH - NO essences slotted - had suddenly become Bind on ACQUIRE. Now, I realize that some that one can get from vendors is apparently Bind on Acquire, but I checked the AH and there ARE other Nadhin pieces - greens, purples, and blues, that are bind on EQUIP. I am wondering what happened to change some of the armor m- even ones already in the AH - to turn into Bind on ACQUIR and kick it out of the AH? Anyone??

    I didn't see anything on the patch notes that told me why. I also did a search of forums and don't see any other threads on this. Finally, in Brandywine World chat no one seemed to know.

    What happened? What else is now similarly affected?

    Note: earlier I mentioned player-created, but I realized that was my armor comparison showing what I was WEARING as opposed to the Nadhin armor itself - I am sorry. O_o.
    Last edited by Learial; Jul 23 2015 at 04:24 AM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Learial View Post
    I discovered some Player-Created Nadhin armor
    We can craft/create Nadhin armour?

    Or is this perhaps a language thing?

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Hurin View Post
    We can craft/create Nadhin armour?

    Or is this perhaps a language thing?
    I'm guessing that the OP is talking about bartered Nadhin armor with essences already slotted. I've seen some pieces like that on the Elendilmir AH with 4 mediocre Majors slotted and an outrageous pricetag.
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  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nosdracir View Post
    I'm guessing that the OP is talking about bartered Nadhin armor with essences already slotted. I've seen some pieces like that on the Elendilmir AH with 4 mediocre Majors slotted and an outrageous pricetag.
    I meant to say some Nadhin armor (no essences slotted), which had BEFORE the patch been on sale in the AH - has since been kicked out of the AH and redesignated as bind on Acquire. I was incorrect when I mentioned player-crafted, and just edited my original post to correct that. :0)

  5. #5
    Arbor's Avatar
    Arbor is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Quality Assurance
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    What are the specific names of these items?

    Nos is correct in that if the armor had essences in them before the patch, they will turn into bind on acquire items
    Your friendly QA tree.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2010
    Level 7 Char:

    Heavy Nadhin Shoulders

    - Itemlevel 76 - bind on equip

    - Itemlevel 182 - bind on acquire (before U16.2 bind on equip)

    Light Nadhin Shoes

    - Itemlevel 195 - bind on acquire (before U16.2 bind on equip)

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    It's not just the Nadin armor items - There are a bunch of things that were bind on equip (or not bind at all) when placed in house storage that are now bind on aquire (while in house storage) after the update. Numerous random drop armor items as well as various cosmetic items were affected by this update.

    When I come across good looking armour items that are bind on equip, I place them in my house storage so that I can share the cosmetic appearance with other toons through their shared wardrobe system. It is incredibly frustrating to find that items that were collected over years of gameplay are now stuck in somebody else's inventory because Turbine changed the binding status of the items without any type of warning to the player.
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  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Yeah, I noticed some previous BOE items were changed to BOA now too.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    @Arbor: What is the best way to obtain low level nadhin gear? lvl 80 for example. I'm constantly checking the ah, but I can rarely find something in this levelrange. Only lvl 95+ stuff.
    Thanks in advance!

  10. #10
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    Nov 2011
    The same thing happened during one of the Spring updates. Some previously unbound cosmetics became retroactively Bound to Account, which trapped them on some of my storage alts and rendered them useless.

    Why is it we always seem to get items increasing in bind level with no warning, yet it never goes the other way? In my opinion, all bartered and random festival rewards should be Bound to Account, as well as taxidermy items and the furniture they produce. Also change the Mount Cosmetic and Emote from next years festival to Account Bound. Nothing is more annoying than repeatedly getting the Cosmetic on one alt and the Emote on another, and having to scrap them when you could simply swap them to complete a set. The same happens with getting multiples of the same Treasure Hunt mount.

    What I'd really love to see is the old Anniversary horses become retroactively Bound to Account instead of Bound, same with other random rewards like the Treasure Hunt mounts. Let rebinding work for us for a change.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ameranth View Post
    The same thing happened during one of the Spring updates. Some previously unbound cosmetics became retroactively Bound to Account, which trapped them on some of my storage alts and rendered them useless.

    Why is it we always seem to get items increasing in bind level with no warning, yet it never goes the other way? In my opinion, all bartered and random festival rewards should be Bound to Account, as well as taxidermy items and the furniture they produce. Also change the Mount Cosmetic and Emote from next years festival to Account Bound. Nothing is more annoying than repeatedly getting the Cosmetic on one alt and the Emote on another, and having to scrap them when you could simply swap them to complete a set. The same happens with getting multiples of the same Treasure Hunt mount.

    What I'd really love to see is the old Anniversary horses become retroactively Bound to Account instead of Bound, same with other random rewards like the Treasure Hunt mounts. Let rebinding work for us for a change.

    I agree with you completely. How and why is this happening? It shouldn't. There's no reason. No good reason, at least. You're alienating the people that buy storage and use these things, while people who don't care aren't ever going to use them anyway. Sounds like terrible business practice to me. If it's unintentional, figure that out Turbine, and fix it please.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    This type of thing always pisses me off. The changing of things I already own. If turbine decides that having an armor piece BOE is somehow bad for the game, IE making it too easy to obtain by simply paying gold; they should take the time to make any change only affect new armor. Not armor people already have.

    If I had decided to farm DA tokens to buy the 4 slot armor and sell it on AH the day before this patch and bought 6 -10 pieces to put up for sale and then the next day logged in and they were all bound to the guy that bought them I'd be rightly pissed. Thankfully this did not happen to me. But it does not change the fact that turbine when making a decision to change something like this needs add a tag that differentiates between existing items already owned by people and newly acquired items so that the change is not retroactive. "Grandfather" in the existing items.

    I know at level cap 85 when the gold recipes were so hot I went through the trouble and time to farm a bunch of the ancient scrolls. Don't have the actual name in my head but the quest reward that involved Atley spider bane and rivendale and Helegrode and some quest chain that ended in Thorins hall and you got 5 of these scrolls that added +9 crit chance to crafting for 5 minutes. Could only do the quest once per toon and at the time I did it helegrode mobs had to be at least green. So to get 30 of these scrolls was a lot of work and time. I used some at level 85 but not all I had farmed. Then at level 95 I went to use them and they had all changed to +4% to crit.

    I was very very pissed. If turbine decided at X time that having those scrolls give 9% additional crit was more then they wanted to give ( in my mind mostly to force people to buy crit scrolls from store) but for what every reason they decided this they should have had it ONLY apply to new scrolls. Frankly for +4% to crit I would never have taken the time and effort to farm these dang things. If I went to do the quest and it said as your reward you will get a +4% to crafting crit I'd said no thanks. Get someone else to go do your bidding.

    I did the quests for 9% scrolls. I had 9% scrolls in my inventory waiting to be used at some future time then BAM, no warning I had 4% scrolls.


  13. #13
    Arbor's Avatar
    Arbor is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Quality Assurance
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    So there was Nadhin armor that you could get from quests that were accidentally set to bind on equip which we changed to bind on acquire. However, we neglected to add that change to the release notes and I do apologize for that. So if you got bind on equip Nadhin armor from quests/epic and now it's bind on acquire, that's the reason

    If you got the armor from another source that's now bind on acquire, please say where you got it from

    @Schinderhannes - You can get them from rare landscape drops
    Your friendly QA tree.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    I just went and bought the 4 socket nadhin leggings and they are not boa, they are still boe. So at least if someone bought a bunch of this for re sale they did not get robbed.

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arbor View Post
    So there was Nadhin armor that you could get from quests that were accidentally set to bind on equip which we changed to bind on acquire. However, we neglected to add that change to the release notes and I do apologize for that. So if you got bind on equip Nadhin armor from quests/epic and now it's bind on acquire, that's the reason

    If you got the armor from another source that's now bind on acquire, please say where you got it from

    @Schinderhannes - You can get them from rare landscape drops
    Hallo. I got mine from the Auction House - I do not know where it came from before that. It really isn't your players' fault that your settings were initially not what you wanted them to be, and if folks in good faith are using in-game items, saving them for another toon in advance of that toon being quite ready, deciding to sell, etc., it isn't good faith to use to get a sudden change without warning in ADVANCE. If that warning had been in play, then perhaps most of the current customers could have at least sorted armor out to alts to whom it would then be bound, etc.

    I guess the reason I made this thread and these comments is because this has happened before with items that we used to get as stand-alones which seemed to suddenly change to bind on acquire - buffs, etc. This has made some items kind of useless for some alts, especially if they get bound to an alt - like movement speed on a Hunter.

    At the least, the advance warning would be truly appreciated.




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