Not a good sign....
Not a good sign....
The article says this was a fast-tracked, and therefore to some extent unplanned migration of the AC servers to the new data center. Not surprising that it is probably taking longer than they thought.
I feel sorry for the players of AC, but it is actually likely to be good for LotRO. With someone else being the guinea pigs for the migration, I would hope ours will go more smoothly as they will have solved most of the unexpected issues already.
While this is taking longer for the AC folks whom I love more than anything, this does indeed end up being helpful to us here on LOTRO as the team was able to learn quite a about the process. That being said there were some unplanned surprises from the move with AC as it was "fast-tracked", and all the teams involved are working very hard to get AC back up as soon as possible. As for us here in LOTRO land, yes we will have the advantage of seeing the process having been done already and can do much more prep work so we do not run into the same issues.
Players could direct their ire at the fraudsters who were crashing the server to gain items.
'A cage,' she said. 'To stay behind bars, until use and old age accept them, and all chance of doing great deeds is gone beyond recall or desire.'
[evernight] lilka : warden | gwenaëlle : champion | elorie : minstrel | cedar : hunter
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