I think it would be cool for people to be able to purchase a shire wagon, for mobile storage , with "x" amount of slots that they can empty their bag into. Be able to ride their steed/warhorse with wagon attached. This may also be included in attacks and quests may be formed around it "wagon train" etc. the wagon may be damaged (for realistic action) raided, burned etc. It may be sold for TP., be usable for each character of an acct, but not transferable and also be made customizable by flags, colors,.equipment hanging and dangling (clinking cookware, prospecting tools, etc). I think it would add an additional element to the game.
having shire wagon attached may reduce speed by "x" % . other players may not be allowed permissions unless granted such as home/kinhouse. also you could include a marker on the map of where you last "parked " it. for easy location, or use a quickslot icon to bring it into view. I believe storage should be a standard 48 extra slots to begin with, with the option of adding more space/ per Tp spent. Perhaps you can have a raffle to win a shire wagon . tp spent will earn a ticket to be one of the first ones to own a wagon with upgradable slots.
perhaps also it can be a slotted wagon (able to use essence for defense value, etc).