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  1. #76
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    There was a website i used years ago that had a huge archive of Quenya and Sindarin names. It would also combine different names and adjectives to form a lore-appropriate name(If anyone could give me the name of the website i'd love you forever!). That's how i came up with Morfaer, only to find out later that there are mobs named Morfaer in Barad Guldur boss fight :P

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Heh my newest character the high elf (cappy or warden cant decide between these two awesome classes) will most possibly bear the name Annatan as it fitted my behaviour.

  3. #78
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by unip0pcorn View Post
    There was a website i used years ago that had a huge archive of Quenya and Sindarin names. It would also combine different names and adjectives to form a lore-appropriate name(If anyone could give me the name of the website i'd love you forever!). That's how i came up with Morfaer, only to find out later that there are mobs named Morfaer in Barad Guldur boss fight :P
    I doubt a bit you speak of Parf Edhellen aka www.elfdict.com

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Nov 2015
    My brand new character is an LM named Pollando for Pallando the Blue Wizard and my friend created a counterpart LM named Alotar for Alatar the Blue Wizard.

    So if you're having problems with Blue Cast Sorcerers, blame us lol.

    "Whilst in the essay on the Istari the Blue Wizards are given no names, here they are called Alatar and Pallando. Oromë chose Alatar to send to Middle-earth (to contest the will of Sauron), and Alatar decided to bring along Pallando as his friend." http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Blue_Wizards

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Don't ask how many toons I have:

    I developed this during the World Transfer period and changed names to fit my new rules.

    All Female Humans have the suffix -swith.
    All Female Hobbits have flower names. Some are in the Latin rather than common name.
    All Female Elves have the suffix -ndil

    All Male Humans have the suffix -frith
    All Male Hobbits have the suffix -grim
    All Male Elves have the suffix -ndur

    Dwarves have the suffix -lkr
    My lone Beorning (female) has the suffix -hild

    Prefixes for all is just alphabetical order and based on date the account was created - A, Ba, Ca, and so forth. Then comes Ae, Be, Ce, De, E, and so forth. Etc......
    Very few of my names needed a middle letter or two because my first choice was taken. In that case, I went with what sounded good. Baswith was taken. She became Babswith.
    The challenge was following the alphabetical prefix rule with my Female Hobbits. Thank goodness I have a plant encyclopedia.
    Last edited by Imladrien; Mar 05 2017 at 01:19 PM. Reason: capitalization

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Sheaezra View Post
    My brand new character is an LM named Pollando for Pallando the Blue Wizard and my friend created a counterpart LM named Alotar for Alatar the Blue Wizard.

    So if you're having problems with Blue Cast Sorcerers, blame us lol.

    "Whilst in the essay on the Istari the Blue Wizards are given no names, here they are called Alatar and Pallando. Oromë chose Alatar to send to Middle-earth (to contest the will of Sauron), and Alatar decided to bring along Pallando as his friend." http://tolkiengateway.net/wiki/Blue_Wizards

    Pretty cool link!
    Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, totally worn out & proclaiming "WOW, what a ride!"
    Continuing the never ending battle to keep Lobelia Sackville-Baggins in check

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    For my newest characters I have focused on crafting related names.

    I looked a bit at Sindarin.

    Cuthavron, where "thavron" is supposed to be carpenter; https://www.elfdict.com/w/carpenter , implying he is a Woodworker.
    Curutin comes from "curu" which is generally crafting; https://www.elfdict.com/w/curu , implying he is a crafter and in this case a Metalsmith.
    Hardemir where "mir" is jewel; https://www.elfdict.com/w/jewel%20smith , implying he is a Jeweller.
    Lathmaen where "lath" is leather related and "maen" means skilled ; https://www.elfdict.com/w/maen | https://www.elfdict.com/w/leather , implying he is a Tailor.

    Later I switched things a round a bit so the naming isn't consistent with profession any more.
    Marancil CHN, Historian Calchiar CPT, Explorer Sturmdrang WDN, Woodsman Anancite GRD, Armourer Tarostel HNT, Armsman Angredeth HNT, Tinker Dromarong GRD, Dwarf
    The Lord of the Rings Online: Community Discord | My in game image hosting: LotroShots

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Nov 2009
    Several years ago, before I'd ever heard of MMOGs, I broke my right leg and left ankle. Recovery involved a lot of sitting, and despite tons of books to read, and lots of yarn to knit, crochet, and weave, and many friends and family willing to let me tag along on grocery shopping outings in my wheelchair, I was pretty much going nuts. A nerdy gamer friend gave LOTRO to me as a birthday present.

    I'd read the books, and loved them. I loaded the game onto my computer, and when the character creation screen came up, I thought it was asking for my first name. So, I typed my first name into the blank spaces, and off I went into the starting area.

    My nerdy gamer friend came by to check on me, and was greatly amused that I had named my very first character after myself. He explained how the character creation stuff worked, and showed me that I could create a second character. Cool!

    So, now fully informed as to how the naming thing worked, I chose the most obvious name. That which got me into this world to begin with. Shatterbone.

    (I probably was able to name my first character after myself only because the game was new at the time, and there were so many names available.)

    My humans have Bree-type names. My elves have Latin-derived names. My hobbits have Stoor or Shire names. My dwarves have short names. My Beorning is named after an old movie that I was given, "Marnie".

    I healed. I went back to my real life. And am always delighted when I have time to be back in Middle-Earth. Shuffling slowly towards Mordor.

  9. #84
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by StoatMandible View Post
    Stoats are utterly adorable. This cannot be over-stated.
    Yes, indeed. Here's Ermine.

  10. #85
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    My main, Garan, was named after an old D&D character I created nearly a lifetime ago. I tend to use the name for many things, including this forum account and plugin authoring. My other characters are named after various things from Diablo characters to puns.

    My warg, Gnashtooth, was named as a bit of an homage to the goblins from DDO.

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Just in case on high elves will be said quenya i am thinking of name Annatan,if sindarin i think he will be Erebrom.But im still more trusting into quenya since devs in past tend to take nice sindarin names for their npcs thus unable to be used by players (dont get fooled by situation when you can make character of same name as npcs have was said to me its against the naming rules).Also was thinking over the high elf class id love to play and from the two i like most (captain and warden) i decided for captain,altho who knows what will class in store for classes.
    Last edited by stefan1988; Mar 06 2017 at 06:00 AM.

  12. #87
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    Ninky Quenya -
    *nincë (ninci-) ("k")adj. "small". The form is given as "ninki" with the last vowel marked as short; this is probably the etymological form that would underlie Quenya *nincë. The word is said to mean "small" with "good senses"; contrast nípa, *nimpë. (VT48:18)

    I wanted to use Nina actually when I created that character But it was taken or I not possible ,idk for sure!

    #nína (gen.pl. nínaron attested) noun "woman" - Quenya

    Final : Ninky which is actually only a nickname. She is very tall even for elf standards , but called short, well you get the picture xD

    Called short,small whatever its contrary to that name. She is a big, grand, legendary elf

  13. #88
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by Ninky View Post
    Ninky Quenya -
    *nincë (ninci-) ("k")adj. "small". The form is given as "ninki" with the last vowel marked as short; this is probably the etymological form that would underlie Quenya *nincë. The word is said to mean "small" with "good senses"; contrast nípa, *nimpë. (VT48:18)

    I wanted to use Nina actually when I created that character But it was taken or I not possible ,idk for sure!

    #nína (gen.pl. nínaron attested) noun "woman" - Quenya

    Final : Ninky which is actually only a nickname. She is very tall even for elf standards , but called short, well you get the picture xD

    Called short,small whatever its contrary to that name. She is a big, grand, legendary elf

    Quite impossible to use general english sounding names,unless you will be creative (like was i when was testing captain class under the name Goldney xD ),this plus my natural interrest in languages made me rather making rohirrim,gondorians,dwarves,el ves,beornings,hobbits...anythi ng else but a bree-lander man. xD

  14. #89
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    I used the auto-name function in character creation


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