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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    New Player To Landroval

    Both new To Landroval and new to the game

    Greetings from a Crickhollow refugee**.

    Part of learning the game, besides the classes, the races, the skills and which combinations suited me best, was learning what to do with game. Being a big fan of the story, I was looking for a little deeper experience than merely killing wolves in a farm field. (Don't get me wrong, the game in its myriad of challenges is fun and fine, but I don't see the reality of an elf lore-master, hiring himself out to find food for Bingo's second breakfast) I was looking for something more. Role Playing.

    Looking around I saw that there was an English RP server and an English RE server .Since I am a busy man who works six days a week and has a family so I could not see myself in a "deep immersive role play situation and the fact that I am a Californian I would probably miss out on much of the European Based Laurelin play. Plus I didn't want to be tattled on for having an extra letter in my characters name so I decided to move my entire fellowship (four characters) to Landroval

    And there in I found a problem. It seems that Turbine, to facilitate its World Consolidation as temporarily shutdown the transfer system in between the servers its going to keep. So I had a little problem. I had 4 Characters all new (Level 11 or under) on Crickhollow and no way to get them to Landroval until May. They all had horses and a small pile of money to buy a house when I brought one to level 15 (or is it 16)

    But I am not good at waiting...*

    Anyway, too long to make a long story short, I took this weekend deleted all my guys off of Crickhollow, horses cash and all and re-rolled them all on Landroval. And with the help of some very nice Landrovalians (Landys?) by the end of the day Sunday I had all four re-rolled to Level 8 and was able to get them each a horse. So I am off and running again and will only have to replay a few of the opening quests.

    I look forward to interacting with you just as soon as I roll my group up into the higher levels and get a better grip on the game play in the open world. (after running 30 or more character class combinations I am well familiar with the Intros)

    My Guys

    In their work clothes and party clothes

    Merradoc - Hobbit Minstrel

    Merradoc is a young hobbit who grew tried of farming and and the placid ways of the shire, looking for adventure he soon found more than he bargained for as his dreams began to be haunted by black riders, and his songs took a decidedly sullen turn. One morning as he was weeding the taters word came to his end of the Shire that black riders were in the shire looking for Baggins. Knowing he could not stand idly by, Merradoc left his father's farm and went to Michel Devling, where he became a Bounder and the adventure begins. ( I am not sure why he's not wearing his bounders hat in the work clothes picture)

    Grimmwall - Dwarf Champion

    Grimmwall's motives are not as pure or noble as Merradoc, and since the mines are now full of ghosts and unsavory creatures, Grimmwall hired himself out as an adventurer and mercenary. Anything to get out of having to help the wife braid her beard. Little did he know the hole he jumped into goes a long long way dowm.

    Aranindir - Elf Lore Master

    As a student of history, Aranindir has seen the coming of the end of the age of Elves for a long time, and yet he found a way to avoid getting on the boats that sailed, and now the boats have stopped sailing. Seeing the dark clouds coming in a dream to hinder the coming age of man, Aranindir has decided he would join the others in helping overcome the storm that is coming, before the last boat sails.

    Pendimir - Human Warden

    Pendimir is a rogue. He's tried many things in his life from being a soldier and a watchman, to farming and shop keeper. But he doesn't suffer fools gladly and found fools in every vocation that required him to bow down. The last one who required such a task was a Sergeant Of The Guard in Buckland, who found himself sprawled on the ground and missing a few teeth. So Pendimir became an adventurer, but he's not a mercenary, he works for his own rewards, and is not fast to trust or give loyalty to anyone, but once given his loyalty is fierce

    I don't really like His "party clothes" they look a little too "sweet" ... makes him look "fabulous" so those might change shortly

    Hope to see you out on the green (Yeah I know...not if you see me first )

    *coming to this game after its been around for 8 years is maddening enough as it is, than to wait months

    ** Nothing wrong with Crickhollow, it just seems to be the default server the new players start in, which makes it a little less "real"
    Last edited by HardestyGrimwall; Mar 07 2016 at 02:44 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Hello friend and welcome! Yea.... you are late boarding the boat it seems! I've been in and out for a few years myself.

    I was wondering if you wanted a friend to RP/Level with?

    I'm in the CST (so we'd be separated by 2 hours)... but depending on your play times, we might could make a schedule work.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Sure I can adjust my times to be on anywhere from 5:30pm - Midnight Pacific

    I am very much a noob though. so be warned

    what Class Caharacter do you like to play. I should pick one that is both a compliment to yours and a match

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Thumbs up

    Welcome to Landy


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by HardestyGrimwall View Post
    Sure I can adjust my times to be on anywhere from 5:30pm - Midnight Pacific

    I am very much a noob though. so be warned

    what Class Caharacter do you like to play. I should pick one that is both a compliment to yours and a match

    Hello friend! That is actually the perfect time slot... I can't usually play till after 8 my time, which is 6:00 for you. Weeknights are best for me as my weekends vary wildly.

    Also. I sent you some private messages so we don't have to keep bumping this post back and forth to coordinate. Does the message system still work? Anyhow, give it a check and shoot me back. I added your four characters above to my friends list in-game.

    I'll start a new character with you from scratch since I've been out of the game for quite awhile.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Welcome to Landroval! *throws confetti*

    It's a bummer you had to delete all those toons, but I admire your trepidation. You've got a great assortment of characters, there.

    I hope you enjoy your new home on Landroval. I think you will find the community to be very cheerful and helpful. Good luck on getting a house! My personal favourite is 6 Chestnut Road in Bree-land, but all the houses in the shire homesteads are beautiful, too.

    The Free Folk
    A kinless roleplay community on the Landroval server.
    "And we dance to the merriment of all."

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by HardestyGrimwall View Post
    .. and all and re-rolled them all on Landroval.
    Landroval is my main server, ive 33 characters here, if you need help with something, or any crafted item (any profession), send me a tell or mail, my main is Olgomil.

    Sergio :-)
    Moved from Riddermark to Landroval on 2/10/1015!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007

    Greetings from The Rangers of Evendim

    We have some players that are in Arizona, we are rebuilding our kinship, but I think you would fit in with us....





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