the golden lute is completely trash for healing without the 24% magnitude you dont have to be a mathematics genius to realise and understand that. as a minnie you rally on crt heals anyway (30%) since mastery and will is wasted stats in blue line and they barely improve outgoing healing.
why is every greek such an idiot such as yourself? please go back 2 pages and see i asked the healing to be nerfed. on bolster courage to begin with and outgoing in general. its not my fault you are trash and cant understand what i mean why heals "relie" (???) rally on criticals. and i never even said they need to buff the golden lute. all i said is that its garbage. just like you!neither did i say it rallys ONLY on the magnitude. l2read greek boy might be hard tho !
And meanwhile some of the rest of us are asking for real improvements, work on game balance and resolution of long-standing bugs.
Which do you think is more useful to the community and the game?
yes 1k posts make you wise and true player, another average trash in my eyes who rps in bree but thats my opinion. you made 20 posts in this thread so far that answer to no real questions given. about a golden lute thats garbage indeed like yourself. why do you still play this game honestly.
lol at the other guys "contributing" to lotro with his 2k posts, another true warrior right there! the only differance is that i actually made suggestions how to fix healing. you and your friends just repply.
M4d cuz b4d.
I wanna add my praise on the housing updates real quick...
Wow! I just spent a good chunk of the past 3 hours checking out the new hooks and grinnin' from ear to ear the whole time. Thank you, thank you, thank you devs! It's obvious you put some real time and effort into these changes. Well, done!
This may not be the moveable hooks some of us wanted, but I reckon what the devs have done will make a lot of folks happy. Basically, a lot of the slots have been rearranged, and more have been added, so there's a whole lot less 'empty' space. One example that I noticed in particular was wall hooks added to the halls in the hobbit kin house so they will no longer feel so barren. I could go on and on, but this would turn into a wall of text rather easily, and it's really better to see it for yourself.
I opened up my Hobbit kin/deluxe, and Man/Dwarf kin house permissions. Totally forgot to note the neighborhoods before I logged though. I'll log back in and edit them in later.
Today is a good day for Pie.
Do not meddle in the affairs of Burglars, for they are subtle and quick to shank you.
Pontin Level 140 Hobbit Burglar Leader of Second Breakfast Crickhollow Server.
other classes: Minstrel, Guardian, Captain, Hunter.
Taken many Screenshots of Middle-earth, Also a Moderator of the LotRO Community Discord server
Hey folks, Servant of Laurelin here... You still got healers making more dps then dps classes... HUnters/burglars/capys/loremaster with no real meaning in this game since it's better to just max Guad/ward/Mins/Rk to max. The pvmp is a complete mess with no balance at all and clearly a foking joke since freeps have to pay to be in a laggy and none-balanced pvp.
Add raid... It will be buggy and failure without a doubt..
More store items! What a big suprise you sick son of a store turbine whures that is the only thing you guys can do
More ####! Another gift from turbine in this update
All they need to do is fix the balance- Healers heal and dps do the foking dps.. TANKS do the TANKING- SUPPORT CLASSES SUPPORTS WITH BUFFS AND CC YOU A-HOLES- Making classes is not about making everyone happy IT IS ABOUT MAKING THE GAME GOOD CAUSE YOU CAN NOT HAVE HEALERS/classes MAKING 100000K DPS IT WILL DESTROY THE GAME JUST LIKE BRINGING IN MORE IMMIGRANTS WILL CAUSE FIGHTS!
Salty? I dont care- Im just sick of you all people that accepts and keep playing when Turbine completley dont care a #### about your wellfare- I WILL WRITE MORE SOON FFS IM THE PREACHER NOW FOR ALL PLAYERS