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  1. #76
    Quote Originally Posted by ShireDweller View Post
    I've got a busy weekend planned already.

    Houses on every NA server, plus multiple kinhouses, over 6 accounts. Not gonna happen.

    This is a simple question that a bluename should be able to answer. Will decorated houses come through the switchover with no problems?
    If you beleive that bad that only the worst will happen, as easy as you can log on the forums to spread the pesimism, you can log on the game to take precaution measures. On my part i have nothing on my house that i cant duplicate or have a duplicate already on vault. To be safe i just will remove the furniture & sleep in peace the day of the patch & i have 9 houses to do that.

  2. Jun 24 2016, 09:55 PM

  3. #77
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Thoroval View Post
    I noticed tonight that the houses now have 3 extra 15-slot Mithril-only upgrades. Max slots are 165 (was 120) for Standard and Deluxe, and 225 (was 180) for Kinship.

    I could really use those extra slots. With the extra housing hooks, I'll need to keep even more decorations in my house to swap for special occasions/festivals. I can't wait until Yule Festival comes around later this year. I even purchased one of those Yule logs from the store when it was on sale this past weekend just because I know I'll need more stuff this year. But that means I need the room in my housing chest.
    Thank you for mentioning this, and for listing the potential new caps. It would be nice if it goes live. Time will tell!

  4. #78
    Join Date
    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Tybur View Post
    I just fixed Bullroarer so rank 1 kinships can again purchase houses (for this beta 3 session).
    Thank You so much, wish I would have seen this when you posted it. As when I was on I couldn't purchase a Kin house with a rank 3 kin. I did today only two hours before the client was closed. Would also like to say Thank You to the team and all that allowed this to happen. I only wish I could have had more time to play with the kin house and maybe transfer another char with the kinship items in it over. As I didn't bring all my stuff. Nor was I able to get into the Bree housing which is where I am at on live.

  5. #79
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Odd that they'd delay the Update because the raid requires more testing/fixing, but then shut down Bullroarer so testing can't occur.

    Hopefully there will be another beta release allowing Turbine to also tweak some housing hooks. After spending some time with the different houses I'm seeing some instances where hooks aren't aligned optimally.

  6. #80
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Herwegur View Post
    A. Ma. Zing.

    Still giddy with excitement at this news.

    Huge cheer to the devs and management for actually doing this and making this happen! And huge respect to current Turbine team for implementing things players have been asking for years.

    For years it was alleged that "cosmetic weapons impossible" = suddenly possible, "More housing hooks impossible" = suddenly possible. And after that blown-up 2013 Kate Paiz hype about 'housing revamp' that ended up getting 'cancelled'... Goes to show what difference it makes to have innovative management willing to take risks and bold steps towards the players' wishes. Never say never!

    /swordsalute to Vyvyanne and current Turbine team: Thank you!
    Agreed wholeheartedly (if that is how it's spelled, sorry, not a native speaker)! As I said before; one can only imagine what this team could have meant for lotro had they been here earlier, had we never had to suffer through the Paiz/Sapience era.

  7. #81
    Join Date
    May 2012

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Cambruyn View Post
    one can only imagine what this team could have meant for lotro had they been here earlier, had we never had to suffer through the Paiz/Sapience era.
    Amen to that

  8. #82
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Gondorian Scholar's Study Set - 1995 TP

    A bundle of housing items appropriate for the study of a Gondorian scholar.
    Decorate your house with Gondor flare! This bundle of housing items contains a workbench, a bookcase, a candelabra, a ceiling lantern, and a pedestal containing a glowing orb, all in the Gondorian style. These are great additions to any house in Middle-earth.

  9. #83
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    1995 TP for that? O_o good lord is the price of the whole new region... I'd rather buy it for 995 since is just fluff and not progression content

  10. #84

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Yolli View Post
    Gondorian Scholar's Study Set - 1995 TP

    A bundle of housing items appropriate for the study of a Gondorian scholar.
    Decorate your house with Gondor flare! This bundle of housing items contains a workbench, a bookcase, a candelabra, a ceiling lantern, and a pedestal containing a glowing orb, all in the Gondorian style. These are great additions to any house in Middle-earth....
    Oh those look really nice & are the workbench & bookcase just decorations or they have some function on crafting? & what is that stair i see on the background of the lantern picture?

  11. #85
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Just decoration

    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    & what is that stair i see on the background of the lantern picture?

  12. #86
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolli View Post
    Oh i see, thanks.

  13. #87
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by YamydeAragon View Post
    ... are the workbench & bookcase just decorations or they have some function on crafting? ...
    They are for show only. At least I got no function with them. You can light the candlestand and use the orb which turned its colour to red.

  14. #88
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Can you can only get these items in the store, and as a set for almost 2000 TP?

    So if you wanted four of the candelabras so they match in a room, the only way to get that is spend 8000 TP?

    Say it ain't so!

    There's no equivalent barter from whomever for the pieces?

  15. #89
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Dwarf Kin: 2 Frothing Rd. Aisgarth, Thorin's Hall (first on list)

    I tempered the sea of white while still showing what slot is where by using the same decoration per slot (brown rug = small floor, red rug=large floor, etc.)

    Decorations can be changed by anyone, but if you move/change something to test, please put the slot marker item(s) back so others can see at a glance what slots are where. (Please don't move the specials as I don't know how often I'll be back in to see they need replacing.) Thank you in advance. I meant to do this earlier, but just have not had the time.

    Main Hall from the stage:

    Last edited by Gaming_Gal; Jul 03 2016 at 07:27 AM.

  16. #90
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Yolli View Post
    Gondorian Scholar's Study Set - 1995 TP

    A bundle of housing items appropriate for the study of a Gondorian scholar.
    I honestly thought this was a joke at first, then I confirmed that it was real.

    This is absolutely ridiculous!

    1. Selling housing items in a bundle is just plain foolish. In all likelihood, almost nobody will want to use all 5 items. It's much more likely, on average, that they'll only want 3 of the items at most.
    2. These items are bound to account. You're stuck with all of the items, even if you only want a single item from the bundle.
    3. You can't even use the dais in a Standard house since it's Special Furniture.
    4. The price is outrageous! 5 items at a normal, non-discounted price of 150TP (that other non-animated housing items sell for) should at most be 750TP. That's without any discount for purchasing them in a bundle. If I had set the 1995TP price point for this, I don't know if I could sleep at night. I'd feel money-grubbing bad even asking 395TP for it. Unbelievable.

    I wouldn't buy this bundle if Turbine offered it for a limited time for 9TP. It sets way too many horrible precedents such as bundling, outrageous pricing, forced purchase of unwanted account-bound items. I wouldn't want to justify Turbine's horrid decision by purchasing it even for a pittance. I strongly discourage anybody who cares about this game from purchasing this atrocity.
    Last edited by Thoroval; Jul 03 2016 at 11:33 AM.

  17. #91
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    Aug 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Thoroval View Post
    I honestly thought this was a joke at first, then I confirmed that it was real.

    This is absolutely ridiculous!

    1. Selling housing items in a bundle is just plain foolish. In all likelihood, almost nobody will want to use all 5 items. It's much more likely, on average, that they'll only want 3 of the items at most.
    2. These items are bound to account. You're stuck with all of the items, even if you only want a single item from the bundle.
    3. You can't even use the dais in a Standard house since it's Special Furniture.
    4. The price is outrageous! 5 items at a normal, non-discounted price of 150TP (that other non-animated housing items sell for) should at most be 750TP. That's without any discount for purchasing them in a bundle. If I had set the 1995TP price point for this, I don't know if I could sleep at night. I'd feel money-grubbing bad even asking 395TP for it. Unbelievable.

    I wouldn't buy this bundle if Turbine offered it for a limited time for 9TP. It sets way too many horrible precedents such as bundling, outrageous pricing, forced purchase of unwanted account-bound items. I wouldn't want to justify Turbine's horrid decision by purchasing it even for a pittance. I strongly discourage anybody who cares about this game from purchasing this atrocity.
    Honestly I'm fine with there being bundles for items but I also want those items to be sold individually.

    I just went onto BR and saw how this bundle works and it needs to be more than it is. For spending 2k TP instead of being just 5 items this needs to be.
    • 1 Seer's Dais
    • 1 or 2 Alchemist Workbenches
    • 2 Lanterns
    • 3 or 4 Candelabras
    • 2 Alchemist Bookcases

    I list this quantity because when it comes to Lanterns you need at least 2. With Candelabras you need 3 or 4. With the Book Cases you really need 2. Each of these 5 items needs to be offered in the Store Individually instead of exclusively in a bundle. As it stands in order to get a good motif going in a Deluxe or Kin house with these you will have to buy 3 or 4 bundles which is 6-8kTP and is out rageous. This would also net you with 3 Daises when you only ever need 1.

    I am also disappointed in the Dais as Special Furniture it is HIGHLY limiting on where this can be placed and it honestly doesn't look good in either location for Kin Houses. This needs to be altered to Large Furniture or be changed to a Large Floor like the Large Fire Pit is.
    Last edited by PKCrichton; Jul 03 2016 at 11:26 PM.

  18. #92
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaming_Gal View Post
    ---Because of the change, will ALL interior (possible exterior depending) get removed to house chest or sent back to non-account owner it's bound to when this change goes live? Or can I hope for the best and they will have an assigned spot they get moved to beforehand?
    Just checked. Some things didn't move at all and some things did move so I guess the old hooks are still there and Turbine just added new hooks. New arrangements must have necessitated moving some of the old hooks I guess. I didn't have any decorations that were booted out of hooks, but then I removed nearly all of my decorations just to be safe.

    I did check an open neighbor's home and everything appears to still be there, both bound and unbound, although some decorations are shifted of course. I didn't notice any changes with any external hooks, as expected for this update.

    Quote Originally Posted by Thoroval View Post
    I noticed tonight that the houses now have 3 extra 15-slot Mithril-only upgrades. Max slots are 165 (was 120) for Standard and Deluxe, and 225 (was 180) for Kinship.
    I can confirm that the increase in housing storage made it to Live and in the quantities I noted on Bullroarer.

    Also housing related from another thread...
    Quote Originally Posted by Thoroval View Post
    I don't see an easy way for Turbine to do anything but simply adding them to the game by default.
    All hooks were simply added to the game. Every home owner gets them by default without further purchase and definitely without involving the store.

    Quote Originally Posted by Yolli View Post
    Gondorian Scholar's Study Set - 1995 TP
    Unfortunately, this also made it in this update.

    If the individual items were available for normal prices (150TP each) and if the bundle existed simply as a way to get all the items at once, preferably with a discounted bundle price (which is how Turbine often prices bundles), then fine. But as is, the price is extreme (more than 3 times what it should be), the items aren't available individually, and I'm sure they remain account-bound (I'm not about to purchase it to find out!).

    Therefore, I strongly recommend against purchasing this bundle. Don't reward Turbine for such poor decisions. Save your purchases for Turbine's better decisions. That's what I did. The remaining portion of my recent TP purchase went to Mithril Coins in order to expand my housing storage.
    Last edited by Thoroval; Jul 05 2016 at 03:28 PM.

  19. #93
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Overall, I'm thrilled to pieces over this housing upgrade, both slots and additional vault storage.

    There are some instances where the placement/re-placement are unfortunate for certain reasons, but not_everything_will_be_perfect _for_everyone.jpg

    I'm simply relieved we didn't lose any bound items from friends who have sailed west.

    It's going to take a while to rearrange/add to all our shared houses, but wow will it be worth the time.
    Quote Originally Posted by Thoroval View Post
    {snip}Unfortunately, this also made it in this update.

    If the individual items were available for normal prices (150TP each) and if the bundle existed simply as a way to get all the items at once, preferably with a discounted bundle price (which is how Turbine often prices bundles), then fine. But as is, the price is extreme (more than 3 times what it should be), the items aren't available individually, and I'm sure they remain account-bound (I'm not about to purchase it to find out!).

    Therefore, I strongly recommend against purchasing this bundle. Don't reward Turbine for such poor decisions. Save your purchases for Turbine's better decisions. That's what I did. The remaining portion of my recent TP purchase went to Mithril Coins in order to expand my housing storage.
    I know a Housinista who already went and bought it at the list price. *sighs* I am worried this will be a new trend, so those of us who enjoy housing but a) can't grind TP all day or b) aren't going to drop that much RW cash for such a thing will just wait to see what the lowest sale price will be for that, or if it will remain unbought forever.

  20. #94
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    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Gaming_Gal View Post
    I know a Housinista who already went and bought it at the list price. *sighs* I am worried this will be a new trend, so those of us who enjoy housing but a) can't grind TP all day or b) aren't going to drop that much RW cash for such a thing will just wait to see what the lowest sale price will be for that, or if it will remain unbought forever.
    I normally just shrug my shoulders and move on whenever Turbine puts ridiculous things in the store, but in my opinion anyone who purchases this package hurts everyone's decorating future, including their own. If enough people pay that obscene price, we'll never again see awesome housing decoration vendors such as Rinwald in Hytbold, Dol Amroth Quartermaster (Housing Decorations), etc. added to the game. Bean counters are extremely short sighted and will follow the immediate money, even if it harms a majority of players and results in lower revenues in the long run.

    For me, it will remain unpurchased, period. If Turbine continues to expand in this direction I'll also need to reconsider my future TP purchases.

  21. #95
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    Mar 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Thoroval View Post
    If enough people pay that obscene price, we'll never again see awesome housing decoration vendors such as Rinwald in Hytbold, Dol Amroth Quartermaster (Housing Decorations), etc. added to the game.
    Counterpoint, they did add some AMAZING new items to the Minas Tirith rep barter this update they could have easily chosen to sell. As a non-raider, their taking steps to amend the dearth of epic huge/enormous items is more than welcome.

    I'm going to be optimistic and say the prohibitive pricing of the package is intended to limit the number of the special item that enter the market, since they're essentially Palantir (my inner lore junkie is already screaming a bit about its existence). Wouldn't surprise me at all to see them break off the other pieces as individual sales without the dais.

  22. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by LeRaginAsian View Post
    Counterpoint, they did add some AMAZING new items to the Minas Tirith rep barter this update they could have easily chosen to sell. As a non-raider, their taking steps to amend the dearth of epic huge/enormous items is more than welcome.
    What items have been added?

  23. #97
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    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Herwegur View Post
    What items have been added?
    There are 3 new maps in 2 sizes each (small wall/large wall), of Eastern/Central/Western Gondor (for 30/50 Minas Tirith Silver Pieces).

    There are 3 "fields" (huge yard): Wheat Field, Pipeweed Field, Dry Wheat Field
    and 2 smaller versions (large yard) of the Wheat and Pipeweed Fields (50/30 Minas Tirith Silver Pieces)

    But probably the most interesting additions are:

    Gondorian Well (large yard/80)
    Round Gondorian Reflection Pool (huge yard/100)
    Dol Amroth Fountain (enormous yard/125)
    Small Beacon of Gondor huge yard/125)
    Beacon of Gondor (enormous yard/150). (and yes, it's really, really enormous! )

    "LeRaginAsian" posted some pictures in the housing thread, and there are pictures of all new housing items at a russion lotro-site.

    There are a couple of yard items which I think are also new:
    Two new rose bushes in 2 sizes (red/pink, small/large yard) and 2 additional Gondorian Benches (small yard)

  24. #98


    Quote Originally Posted by Herwegur View Post
    What items have been added?
    They are posted here: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...57#post7629657

  25. #99
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Wait, those new items are bound to account? Booo! Why, Turbine? The previous stuff wasn't bound to account. Why!?! Turbine, just because you can now do something, doesn't mean you should do it. I have enough storage issues as is. It makes me think some designer is sitting there going "oooh, a new 'feature' I misuse and torment players with". Ugh.

    And again total BOOOO!! on the ridiculously priced, "can't purchase items separately" cash-grab store bundle. I may have been interested in a couple of candelabras (I'd pass on the other bundle items), but I'm not about to spend the equivalent of over 50 real life dollars just to get 2 of them. I won't even use one of my additional lifer accounts that have major TP available to purchase even one bundle. I don't believe in enabling Turbine's bad behavior.

    Frankly it seems to me that for every nice thing Turbine does, they insist on doing 2 other things that are slaps to the face.

    I'm starting to turn that corner toward cynicism again. "Hey, we're doing these sucky things. Let's toss the players a bone (more hooks) to distract them."


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