For all of you who have not used your transfer tokens that we were given so long ago for whatever excuse you think is a good one you seem to have not been paying any attention. They cut staff and removed those who used to post here. People are quoting someone no longer with the company. If you really believe that those tokens were going to sit there forever waiting to be used I have land in the Midge Water marsh to sell you. This game changes all the time, each update new things happens and many times just disappear. What is true today may not be true next week, next month or even tomorrow. The servers have closed for free transfers. "Waiting until I could get everything straight" is a foolish reply. You had time to do it.
Also if you think Turbine is going to give you TP for them then you are mistaken. These were put up for you to use after you missed getting toons off after a server transferred window closed. You chose not to move the toons and you did not use the gift. That is more on you than them. They are not going to refund you anything for free stuff you do not taken advantage of. You might as well ask for something for any missed hobbit gifts you did not get too. They were doing it to be nice not because it was something that was regulated.
There is mention of a temp step back to the older model and when it is made available (and it sounds like a short time) then act on it. There are only a few options for what will happen.
1) everyone who lost their 3 (or less) tokens will get refunded those tokens. This seems like a bunch of code messing with that would take some resources to pull off so I think it is the least likely to happen. Not saying it won't happen just the least likely.
2) Everyone again gets 3 transfer tokens to use. This seems like the easiest fix so I would expect it the most.
3) Give each server a week to transfer off of. Also this seems easy to do and would be my second pick for what they would do. Also this impacts more people and toons which might make people unhappy again.
4) They send you a personal email asking each and everyone which toon goes where and they manually move them and all attached. I don't expect this to happen at all because it would drain more resources than choice 1 but needed to be said.
What it is going to come down to is it will be for a very short time and you have to ACT, not wait and see or think about it or hope and plan but ACT. Assume that after this little fix happens they will not do it again. This is your last free move, use it. Don't sit aside thinking about it and the day after get on and then complain. Assume that when they get you your tokens or open a free move it is you last chance that does not cost 2495 tp. If you don't do it then that is on you not them.
Trying not to rain on people parades or pity parties but you really need to think when these things happen. Turbine does not have the best record of transparency in many things and on more than one occasion plans get altered without informing us assume it will happen again.
Sorry many of you feel butt hurt you lost your free things you did not use but really....are you all that surprised?
"I am condescending, that means I talk down to you." Well just for those who go out of their way to need it.
Nice apology for Turbine. But its a screwjob simple plain and true. We were given a gift. Regardless of if we used them or not we were given the option. And now because tey changed a system and apparently can not figure out a way to make us whole, we either use them by X date or lose out. That my friend is a slap in the face whle being given the finger with the other hand. Turbine does this to its customers knowing that majority will deal with it because well... Tolkien and we want to see the story end. But at this point to me, Turbine has been more of a disgrace to the Tolkien legacy than any movie or slot machine just based on how poorly they treat their customers.
I don't want tp. I want what I had. I want the option to transfer 3 toons whenever I want for free which is what I was given. I know the EULA says you can change things on a whim but, seriously. Thanks for giving it to us the players without lube again Turbine. I know 1 sub will not be renewed until I am whole again.
Apologizes? LOL you have no clue at all. Not apologizing for them I was just not the fool to think what they say will be kept tomorrow. Again I am sorry you planned poorly but after all the going on with the server transfers and the chaos, the lack of the EU server based in the EU and so forth you seemed to think that these 3 tokens last forever? Nothing in this game comes out and stays like they say it does. I choose not to believe them because of these and many more reasons. I am sorry you need to have a fit about it but if they set it right like I have said use it quickly because they will take it away quickly, that is the only thing you can count on.
Apology, lol
"I am condescending, that means I talk down to you." Well just for those who go out of their way to need it.
Why do you keep assuming it's people that "planned poorly"? What about people that took a break and came back to the game? So it's basically just eff you if you take a break? You snooze you lose, no breaks for you
Why do I assume that? Because if you look through this thread and the others tagged in one of the posts comments are I was waiting for x reason or y reason or whatever. It is not like we did not know they were closing the servers and we had to move. They told us we would have have a chance to move and then were given the tokens later. If you did not move when given the chance because you waited or took a break then it is on you. Not me or anyone else who did move.
It was a choice to leave, or wait or move or quit or whatever. It was that person's choice. They did say they the tokens were permanent but they also said there would be two different places, they said there would be no issues with the move. Time and again they said events start on Thursdays and end Monday at 3 am. Then the stories change, they become something else plans change and that is what this is. People have been asking for servers to have a pay move option so whatever plan they had is most likely gone with those who came up with them and new plans exist with a new crew.
People get on in threads all over bashing Turbine about one reason or another. The fight and argue and yell at each other but all have expectations. And when they fall through they fight and scream and bash and are surprised. Here is a hint, half of what they say is to mollify people and the other is what they hope they can get done. And if any of it turns out well be happy but to be safe expect for it to be wrong or not happen like he says now. Safer that way.
Sorry if that seems pessimistic but with any video game company I find it is the safest ways to act. But hey hope for the best and wait, or's your choice.
"I am condescending, that means I talk down to you." Well just for those who go out of their way to need it.
So to recap, lying is ok because that's what corporations do so it's stupid even to call them on it. "Leaving", "waiting" or "quitting" are bad because those are choices (though not technically vices). An apology is out of the question because we're just being "mollified".![]()
Why would I apologize? You are the second person who thinks I should for some weird reason. But before you decide everyone is lying to you let me make it real simple in caps. PLANS CHANGE, THINGS CHANGE. Got that? What they have planned for next week may not happen at all. Also I did not say the were bad choices. They were YOUR choices. People were given free things that were removed, it happens. Raging about it gets you about nothing. What you do get for free and this one you get to keep is don't believe everything said is PERMANENT. Got that? I am confused why I have to keep saying is the people who promised these things are gone, they are not at turbine. People on the forums stalked them to their twitter and FB accounts to creep on them. There is a new team in place with a different plan. So they have a new vision. You have two choices agree with it or disagree with it. Simple as that. You like it or dislike it. I can't tell you one way or another about that. But I will tell you do not take anything as set in stone until you see it and then expect for it to change. Plain and simple.
Also the waiting, leaving or quitting in the case of the lost tokens would indeed be a bad choice. You didn't use them and they are gone. You are upset they are gone so go from there.
And if you think their whole goal is to lie to you about everything then you might just want to get up and walk away from the internet because you will have tons of problems elsewhere. If this really upsets you than the internet is not your place to be.
"I am condescending, that means I talk down to you." Well just for those who go out of their way to need it.
I don't know. Why would you apologize? Unless you were talking about yourself I don't know why you would think I was talking about you.
You do realize that plans are distinct from promises and that when you break a promise the very least you should do is apologize right?
On the contrary, that's exactly what you said.
I know some breast cancer survivors that would like to talk to you.
Well that's an interesting way to put it.
So what you gonna stalk me in every thread I post in now like a true troll. You do know that at a certain point it is considered harrassment right?
But I do not have a legal argument. I conceed they say they can do whatever they want and I say it sucks. I also say that because they are making this choice I am making the choice not to renew my sub which expires tomorrow. I am not linking rules of contest and lotteries and trying to make myself look better than I am. I said I am upset because you (Turbine) once again did something you wanted to do screwing over the customers and I as a customer am unhappy. I am not making multiple threads on the subject. I stated my unhappiness and moved on
So where you get legal argument from I have zero idea. But, than again, you have been following me on the forums for days trying to beat a dead horse and bait someone.
Ya know whats funny, I would never follow someone on a forum and call them out for stuff they said 2 days ago or weeks ago or whatever because I as a person know that others feelings and thoughts change. I understand that as a free thinker I can have 1 opinion 1 day and another the next and I suspect most people are like that. but in todays world there are people that like to hold your feet to the fire because of an opinion you had on X date at X time.
How am I harassing you? By being right? I'm not going to acquiesce to these accusations. You do realize that publicizing (as distinct from publishing) someone in a false light is an invasion of privacy right?
I know.
Well at least now you know who said it.
Neither am I. I don't need to look better than I am because I didn't break the law.
You mean that thing you agreed that they could do before you scolded me for "agreeing" to it even though I didn't?
Neither am I. Stop trying to make it look like I did.
Probably from when you referenced a legal document and your argument was "seriously".
Again, I deny the accusation and I would ask that you stop making them. Dead horses don't talk.
You want to know what's really funny and sad at the same time? That that's exactly what you're doing by calling out Turbine on some issue where you know you don't have a leg to stand on. If you're going to point fingers it's important to have integrity.
"And it's hard to hold a candle in the cold November rain..."
It's good to be flexible and open minded to a point but be careful of what you're doing because I suspect you are only deceiving yourself. If you really want to convince somebody that you're a changed man you don't do it by painting your adversary in a false light and then credit it to your "free thinking". Generally speaking, when people sincerely change their feelings and opinions about something they don't use it as an excuse to keep flipping back and forth when it's convenient and keep doing what they've always been doing. That's called being a hypocrite which is the exact opposite of being open-minded. To slap a pretty little bow on it and call it a virtue is about as Orwellian as it gets. It would probably serve you well in life to learn the meaning of the phrase "I'm sorry" and admit when you're wrong.
I still have to wonder why they had to create a new transfer payment system, with TP directly on the transfer screen. This entire issue could have been avoided if they had simply retained the existing transfer token system and added the tokens to the store. Is this the result of lack of communication (e.g. a "new" person got the task dumped on them without any hand over from someone involved previously)? Or was there some technical reason why the tokens could not be made available for purchase in the store?
We were told that the tokens were to be permanent. The reason I SAVED them was in case I wanted to move characters some time in the future, I would have a few free tokens to move characters. I think the expectation for those who saved their tokens was the same: They were permanent, so no rush in using them now....
There is no technical reason why you can't make it work either. Instead of pressing "confirm", you could make 2 buttons. One that says "Use TP", and one that says "Use Tokens". Under those buttons, it now says how much TP you still have, and you could add how much tokens a person has.
For future use, Turbine support could use that token system to give someone a transfer token. Perhaps as a thing you could win in a lottery, or maybe a refund or award for a special case. It could also allow a person to stock up on tokens when they are for sale. I don't see the technical issue here.... You could probably just use tokens ONLY, and put the tokens in the shop if you don't have any tokens left.
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.
Like I said before the people who said forever are gone. New devs and plans change. That is it. Also I am so amazed that anyone playing for any time would really think Turbine would do something "forever" You have been posting here for years you should know the drill. Things get changed all the time. Expect it and plan on it.
"I am condescending, that means I talk down to you." Well just for those who go out of their way to need it.
Cordovan posted in today's U19 notes the following:
So now you can all officially STOP Panicking!
- NEW (Not on Bullroarer): It is now possible to use existing character transfer tokens to transfer characters. If you have tokens, you will need to use them prior to using Turbine Points. Only one currently can be used at a time, so if you wish to transfer more characters than you have tokens, transfer the appropriate number of characters using tokens first, then transfer the rest.
Can anyone tell me what the latest news on the missing transfer tokens is please?
I saw Coardovan's post on the 7th September but nothing since.