There seems to be no way for a kinship to pool resources to buy a premium kinhall. That's unfortunate.
Also, the island kinhalls all sold out in less than a day. Not plopping down my ~$50 for a kinhall until you open more neighborhoods, or make the hook counts comparable on the other kinhalls!
EDIT: They added more of the good kinhalls and we got one! Yay! Though the way the store is structured it was an $80 total purchase with some TP and MC left over. grumblegrumble. And the only way for kinnies to pitch in was to spend $20 each for a slice of the TP. grumble.
Last edited by Moondog548; Oct 20 2016 at 08:48 AM.
Landroval - The Council of the Secret Fire Friendly, Casual, Mature, and always seeking more!
Message moondog548 here, on Steam, Twitch, and Discord as moondog548#6830
Moondog on Landroval, Isilroa on Anor, Reckless on Bombadil