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  1. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    There seems to be no way for a kinship to pool resources to buy a premium kinhall. That's unfortunate.

    Also, the island kinhalls all sold out in less than a day. Not plopping down my ~$50 for a kinhall until you open more neighborhoods, or make the hook counts comparable on the other kinhalls!

    EDIT: They added more of the good kinhalls and we got one! Yay! Though the way the store is structured it was an $80 total purchase with some TP and MC left over. grumblegrumble. And the only way for kinnies to pitch in was to spend $20 each for a slice of the TP. grumble.
    Last edited by Moondog548; Oct 20 2016 at 08:48 AM.
    Landroval - The Council of the Secret Fire Friendly, Casual, Mature, and always seeking more!
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  2. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    Click here for a new dev diary about Premium Housing!
    Great Dev Diary! More articles like this please!

    As for suggestions as to where the next Premium Housing might occur, It's got to be the Grey Havens!

    Last edited by Fealhach; Oct 22 2016 at 02:14 PM.

  3. #28
    I would like to see a means for a kinship to move en-mass to a single homestead, not this same ad hoc approach.

    I've read people saying that only kinship members can visit kinship halls, is that true? And likewise that only premium players can visit personal homes, is that true?

    I also continue to hate this MC ####. I'd like a simple direct means to purchase this blasted sub-currency without the go-between, I've never understood MC personally.

  4. #29
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Just logged on to look into this new housing. I am really liking the size of the new buildings but unfortunately all the island kinship houses are sold out on my server. I have the money to spend on a new kin house but when I'm spending actual $'s I want to be able to buy the house of my choice. I'll be holding off for now until more neighbourhoods are available or more islands are added to each neighbourhood.
    Galuhad | Narvelan
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    Kinship Revamp Proposal

  5. #30
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    under-age hobbits not welcome :D

    This is not a complaint, just something I'm curious about.
    Over the months, I collected the various Gondorian craft benches and had them set up in and around my deluxe classic house as I love having crafting alts and go gathering etc when I want to chill. I bought a premium house in Belfalas, but it seems the actual housing area is ALSO a level 90 area. I sent my little low level hobbit farmer to go play in the patch of farmland in my new garden - but he got the "beware" message explaining he was much too low for the area and a warning that any gathering would be greatly slowed down.
    Sure enough, he sowed 4 fields as per usual - and it took so long to harvest one field that the other three had expired when he finished!
    So now I've quickly bought a classic normal house and the lil hobbit farmer is back in classic hobbit housing, tilling his front garden.
    I'm surprised that the inside of the premium housing area is set up as though you're out in the lvl 90 questing areas. I'd assumed it would be some sort of "non-level specific" area.
    Would that be due to programming of the whole area in general, and therefore difficult to achieve a different-level housing area that's set in lvl 90 area?

  6. #31
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Shiona View Post
    This is not a complaint, just something I'm curious about.
    Over the months, I collected the various Gondorian craft benches and had them set up in and around my deluxe classic house as I love having crafting alts and go gathering etc when I want to chill. I bought a premium house in Belfalas, but it seems the actual housing area is ALSO a level 90 area. I sent my little low level hobbit farmer to go play in the patch of farmland in my new garden - but he got the "beware" message explaining he was much too low for the area and a warning that any gathering would be greatly slowed down.
    Sure enough, he sowed 4 fields as per usual - and it took so long to harvest one field that the other three had expired when he finished!
    So now I've quickly bought a classic normal house and the lil hobbit farmer is back in classic hobbit housing, tilling his front garden.
    I'm surprised that the inside of the premium housing area is set up as though you're out in the lvl 90 questing areas. I'd assumed it would be some sort of "non-level specific" area.
    Would that be due to programming of the whole area in general, and therefore difficult to achieve a different-level housing area that's set in lvl 90 area?
    The problem indicated is inherent to the area in general, as well as all areas in the game. This is the first time housing has been set up outside the starter zones, though, so hopefully this is something that Turbine can remove for Belfalas, as it doesn't really make sense.
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  7. #32
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Shiona View Post
    This is not a complaint, just something I'm curious about.
    Over the months, I collected the various Gondorian craft benches and had them set up in and around my deluxe classic house as I love having crafting alts and go gathering etc when I want to chill. I bought a premium house in Belfalas, but it seems the actual housing area is ALSO a level 90 area. I sent my little low level hobbit farmer to go play in the patch of farmland in my new garden - but he got the "beware" message explaining he was much too low for the area and a warning that any gathering would be greatly slowed down.
    Sure enough, he sowed 4 fields as per usual - and it took so long to harvest one field that the other three had expired when he finished!
    So now I've quickly bought a classic normal house and the lil hobbit farmer is back in classic hobbit housing, tilling his front garden.
    I'm surprised that the inside of the premium housing area is set up as though you're out in the lvl 90 questing areas. I'd assumed it would be some sort of "non-level specific" area.
    Would that be due to programming of the whole area in general, and therefore difficult to achieve a different-level housing area that's set in lvl 90 area?
    Ironically other crafting skills, such as prospecting, do not seem to be affected by the dangerous area penalty. I have the armorer/tinker/historian/woodsman combo, though the armorer is level cap, so I have a pretty good idea of what is and is not affected.

    I made a thread reporting it in the housing forum, here: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...39#post7661339 but it did not seem to get much attention until a couple others noticed the same problem more recently.

    Edit to add: The classic housing areas have, or used to have, a "favorite neighborhood" function that allowed us to bookmark neighborhoods where friends' or kinmates' houses were located. I set up my Belfalas house with all crafting facilities, provisioners, both classic and VIP ingredient crates, and set permissions for kin to use it all in hopes of establishing a second, though unofficial, kinhouse (my kin does not want to give up TH kinhouse as it is a great port location for new toons to get access to weapon/metalsmith guilds). But Belfalas does not have the ability to bookmark the neighborhood location of my house, or the houses of other kinmates.
    Last edited by Makaryk; Oct 26 2016 at 10:41 PM.

  8. #33
    Join Date
    Aug 2007

    Premium Housing - Hooks

    I went out on the first day purchase a house, it has a nice design to it. This one of those sit beside the bay with plenty of yard space.
    That is my complement.

    There are some things wrong with design.
    1. There are porches that do not have any hooks. How I am in my retirement suppose to sit on porch and watch the sunrises and sunsets.
    2. There should be hidden hooks that a person can buy from the store to expand the capabilities of the yard.

    This one person's opinion, and does not reflect in anyway on anybody.

    Thomas Shultz

  9. #34
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    From the 19.0.1 release notes: *You should no longer be unexpectedly booted from your house by the character transfer system. Thus the transfer wizard has been re-enabled.
    This issue still occurs, as I am currently locked out of my own house again.
    Once a Snowbournian, always a Snowbournian.

  10. #35
    Quote Originally Posted by Suza View Post
    Is it true that there is no added storage when buying a Premium house? I have max slots on my regular house, so buying premium only gives me yard and interior slots to use???
    Yes, just got an additional (premium) house and no additional storage was added.
    This is ridiculous! Having a Premium house for hooks and decoration is ok. Why would any one buy additional houses if no storage space is increased? Hope they re-think about this. Only disapointment about the Premium House so far, but no doubt it's a HUGE one!

    "Housing storage is shared between all your houses, Premium or Classic, for your convenience!"
    Feels like it was just so we don't get additional space in the end...

  11. #36
    Join Date
    Sep 2007

    Housing Purchase Requirements

    I have the following questions regarding who can buy a Premium House and how many can be owned.

    1) Premium Kin House - must be purchased by Kin Leader? - I believe this is a Yes
    2) Premium Kin House - each Kin can only own 1 Premium Kin House?
    3) Premium Houses - can any alt buy Premium Houses or can only the owner of the Classic house buy?
    4) Premium Houses - can multiple alts each buy a Premium House and "own" the house they bought? (i.e. if I have alts Bob, Fred, Sally and Rebecca on the Brandywine server, can they each have a Premium House under their own name or if Bob is the owner of the Classic House are all the Premium Houses assigned to Bob, regardless of which alt buys the Premium Houses)?

  12. #37
    cdq1958's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dusalan View Post
    I have the following questions regarding who can buy a Premium House and how many can be owned.

    1) Premium Kin House - must be purchased by Kin Leader? - I believe this is a Yes
    2) Premium Kin House - each Kin can only own 1 Premium Kin House?
    3) Premium Houses - can any alt buy Premium Houses or can only the owner of the Classic house buy?
    4) Premium Houses - can multiple alts each buy a Premium House and "own" the house they bought? (i.e. if I have alts Bob, Fred, Sally and Rebecca on the Brandywine server, can they each have a Premium House under their own name or if Bob is the owner of the Classic House are all the Premium Houses assigned to Bob, regardless of which alt buys the Premium Houses)?
    From memory, the kinship leader is the only character able to buy a kinship house, whether classic or premium and only one house is allowed, so either a classic one or a premium one.
    Any character can buy one or more premium house(s) per account. Only one character per account can buy a classic house and all others share it. All alts will get a travel skill to go to the classic house. The premium house travel skill will bind to the most recently visited premium house. Opening the management panel will list all of the available houses and you can pick one for travel. So Bob would own the classic house and any premium houses Bob bought. Fred and company would each own the premium house(s) they bought separately and all would share the classic one. Be aware that houses will all have one linked view and share purchased storage unlocks. If I am not mistaken, only the first house purchase will grant a chest. You do not get more chests or unlocks from subsequent house purchases.
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    Indeed, in a world and life full of change, the only constant is human nature (A is A, after all :P).
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  13. #38


    Quote Originally Posted by Dusalan View Post
    I have the following questions regarding who can buy a Premium House and how many can be owned.

    1) Premium Kin House - must be purchased by Kin Leader? - I believe this is a Yes
    2) Premium Kin House - each Kin can only own 1 Premium Kin House?
    3) Premium Houses - can any alt buy Premium Houses or can only the owner of the Classic house buy?
    4) Premium Houses - can multiple alts each buy a Premium House and "own" the house they bought? (i.e. if I have alts Bob, Fred, Sally and Rebecca on the Brandywine server, can they each have a Premium House under their own name or if Bob is the owner of the Classic House are all the Premium Houses assigned to Bob, regardless of which alt buys the Premium Houses)?
    Answers to your questions:

    1. Yes.
    2. Yes, each kin can own only 1 kinship house regardless the house kind.
    3. Any alt. Must point out that you don't need to own a classic house 1st to buy a premium house.
    4. The alt that buy it, receive the "house owned by..." tittle that can be seeing when visited the house, regardless what alt own the classic house. Apart the tittle, all alts receive the full benefits of the house.

    Also if you wish to see a preview of the premium houses decoration arrangements, you can check here: https://www.lotro.com/forums/showthr...-Premium-House .


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