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  1. #76
    Join Date
    May 2011
    I can‘t like new features like Filters being implemented while there‘re so much fixing and banalcing still yet to be done. Here‘s a short list of what absolutely MUST be in 21.2:

    Quests and Areas
    • Talath Urui - Instance: The Fushaum Resolution - sometimes (or all the time, for all I know) the instance‘s event sequence begins without player having /beckon emote used as the quest directs. In result, the instance cannot be completed. If player to use the emote after all mobs are killed and the bosses defeated, a funny bug would happen. What happens if the emote is used while the bosses are still alive but the event sequence has already begun (the dialogue or mob waves), I can‘t tell.
    • Talath Urui - The Pit-fighter, Day Three - orc fanatics sometimes jump into the fire pit and cannot be attacked. That was in the „known issues“ section of Mordor release notes. It‘s still a thing.
    • Dol Amarath - Instance: Barad-Dur: Realm of the Black Word - there‘s a passage in the instance guarded by a group of 5 mobs. 3 signatures and 2 commons. I get it about difficulty and challenge, and welcome it, but this is way too much. I haven‘t seen all of the crafting instances yet, but I‘m sure that‘s a mistake.
    • More respawns in Mordor, for the love of God. We die in Mordor time and again, often not due to lack of skill but to ungodly overpowered/quickly resplawning/tightly grouped mobs.

    • Crafting - Scholars STILL don‘t have a Shadowed Essencce receipe. I try and fail to understand what are you thinking. You have had two patches released within three weeks past Mordor release. WHAT IS SO PARTICULARLY HARD WITH COPY-PASTING A SINGLE RECEIPE? Excuse me.
    • Crafting - Scholars still craft from raw materials. Which would be OK (not) if it was another dumbing-crafting-down feature, but this is defenitely a bug, because processing raw materials is important in levelling a craft tier.
    • Crafting - Cooks don‘t have a Shadowed Essence receipe, too. Nor do they have a special component. Why exactly? As you should know, there‘re people who main cooking.
    • Crafting - Jewellers still use raw black adamants in crafting.

    Not this important, but still needed and relatively easy fixes:
    Quests and Areas
    • Cirith Ungol, Lhingris - A Right Mess - progress bar tooltip says "destroying..." while clearing debris. It should say "clearing..." as to correspond with quest progression text, "Cleared debris in Cirith Ungol".
    • There's an archway on the last stretch of road leading to Cirith Ungol, at 61.2 8.4. The game considers the strip of land under this archway to be a part of Cirith Ungol zone, which leads to player being kicked off their steeds when passing. You can mount back and ride to the Cirith Ungol entrance after the archway.

    Edhelion fog bug. I don‘t really want to bring it up because people would say that I must be kidding and they would be right, but... It‘s some kind of a guilty pleasure to me, reminding people that, after all that time, Edhelion fog is still not fixed. You know, Valve updated VAC. Apple releases a phone with edge-to-edge AMOLED display. Edhelion fog is still with us.
    Last edited by ENDrain; Oct 08 2017 at 09:13 AM.
    Kelewon, Brandywine

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by ENDrain View Post
    • Crafting - Scholars still craft from raw materials. Which would be OK (not) if it was another dumbing-crafting-down feature, but this is defenitely a bug, because processing raw materials is important in levelling a craft tier
    • Crafting - to nobody‘s surprise, Scholars don‘t have a 18h special component receipe either.
    I dont see the issue with crafting from raw materials, you can still skill your profession with it without any problems. Its not like crafting ressources were hard to get... I farmed like 2 hours without even having any mordor-pack and after those 2 hours had enough ressources to max ALL my professions on 10 toons including 2 scholars!

    My scholars have 18h-special-component-recipes and use it to create bag-slot-items.
    Diskutierer, Fragenbeantworter, Twinker, Händler, Handwerker und Gründer der 'Gemeinschaft der freien Völker' auf Belegaer.
    Deutsche Guides für nahezu alles, was Casuals interessieren könnte, gibts hier: http://gdfv.forumo.de/guides-f24/

  3. #78
    Join Date
    May 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Oelle View Post
    My scholars have 18h-special-component-recipes and use it to create bag-slot-items.
    Oh, right. Sorry, this one was a guess, but now I‘m even more puzzled. I get not adding special component and essence receipes, but adding one and not the other?..
    Kelewon, Brandywine

  4. #79
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by ENDrain View Post
    I can‘t like new features like Filters being implemented while there‘re so much fixing and banalcing still yet to be done. Here‘s a short list of what absolutely MUST be in 21.2:

    Quests and Areas
    • Talath Urui - Instance: The Fushaum Resolution - sometimes (or all the time, for all I know) the instance‘s event sequence begins without player having /beckon emote used as the quest directs. In result, the instance cannot be completed. If player to use the emote after all mobs are killed and the bosses defeated, a funny bug would happen. What happens if the emote is used while the bosses are still alive but the event sequence has already begun (the dialogue or mob waves), I can‘t tell.
    • Talath Urui - The Pit-fighter, Day Three - orc fanatics sometimes jump into the fire pit and cannot be attacked. That was in the „known issues“ section of Mordor release notes. It‘s still a thing.
    • Dol Amarath - Instance: Barad-Dur: Realm of the Black Word - there‘s a passage in the instance guarded by a group of 5 mobs. 3 signatures and 2 commons. I get it about difficulty and challenge, and welcome it, but this is way too much. I haven‘t seen all of the crafting instances yet, but I‘m sure that‘s a mistake.
    • More respawns in Mordor, for the love of God. We die in Mordor time and again, often not due to lack of skill but to ungodly overpowered/quickly resplawning/tightly grouped mobs.

    • Crafting - Scholars STILL don‘t have a Shadowed Essencce receipe. I try and fail to understand what are you thinking. You have had two patches released within three weeks past Mordor release. WHAT IS SO PARTICULARLY HARD WITH COPY-PASTING A SINGLE RECEIPE? Excuse me.
    • Crafting - Scholars still craft from raw materials. Which would be OK (not) if it was another dumbing-crafting-down feature, but this is defenitely a bug, because processing raw materials is important in levelling a craft tier.
    • Crafting - Cooks don‘t have a Shadowed Essence receipe, too. Nor do they have a special component. Why exactly? As you should know, there‘re people who main cooking.
    • Crafting - Jewellers still use raw black adamants in crafting.

    Not this important, but still needed and relatively easy fixes:
    Quests and Areas
    • Cirith Ungol, Lhingris - A Right Mess - progress bar tooltip says "destroying..." while clearing debris. It should say "clearing..." as to correspond with quest progression text, "Cleared debris in Cirith Ungol".
    • There's an archway on the last stretch of road leading to Cirith Ungol, at 61.2 8.4. The game considers the strip of land under this archway to be a part of Cirith Ungol zone, which leads to player being kicked off their steeds when passing. You can mount back and ride to the Cirith Ungol entrance after the archway.

    Edhelion fog bug. I don‘t really want to bring it up because people would say that I must be kidding and they would be right, but... It‘s some kind of a guilty pleasure to me, reminding people that, after all that time, Edhelion fog is still not fixed. You know, Valve updated VAC. Apple releases a phone with edge-to-edge AMOLED display. Edhelion fog is still with us.
    None of this stuff is a serious problem. Some of it isn't even a problem at all, just user error. The rest is so minor that no dev resources need be wasted when there are so many more critical things that need to be fixed or developed.

  5. #80
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalphor View Post
    I have some issues with the new shields.

    Remove block rating from both versions and add some finesse and more stats for the dps version and add critical rating and stats for the healing version. You could also distribute the chunks by adding a bit more to critical defence, if you want.

    Remove block and add finesse and stats for the dps version.
    I'm not sure if the double critical defence is intended, but I don't mind the tanking shield as much. Wouldn't be against a bit more agility and vitality on it, but overall... I think it's OK.
    Isn´t it normal that a shield gives a block rating? I think it is in the "nature of the thing".

    I mean, my minstrel would love to get a finesse rating instead of the block rating, but i don´t think it would be right

  6. #81
    Join Date
    Mar 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Dribodreth View Post
    Isn´t it normal that a shield gives a block rating? I think it is in the "nature of the thing".

    I mean, my minstrel would love to get a finesse rating instead of the block rating, but i don´t think it would be right
    It's not.
    Shields give critical defence and armour.
    They are needed to be able to block unless your class has a trait to block without one.
    Ability to block and block rating are different.

  7. #82
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Gandalphor View Post
    It's not.
    Shields give critical defence and armour.
    They are needed to be able to block unless your class has a trait to block without one.
    Ability to block and block rating are different.
    It used to be a thing on minstrel... To have avoidances...

  8. #83
    Join Date
    Aug 2013
    oh well, guess they still didnt fix...

    -creep finesse

    -captain blueline healing

    -proper moors armour, cuz the stuff I've seen in bullroarer is ####

    -Hunter DPS through the roof

    -RKs became quite useless

    -no use for Lost Coins

    quite happy I did quit the moors and so kinda the game, logging every now and then in for playing w/ some friends


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