I've always loved the Trollshaws. That Eternal autumn; dark bark with the turned leaves and evergreens, made me wish I would stay forever in The Valley.
I've always loved the Trollshaws. That Eternal autumn; dark bark with the turned leaves and evergreens, made me wish I would stay forever in The Valley.
All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us...
hikersguide.wordpress.com - My lotro Blog :)
Ummm so hard to choose just one!
The Shire because obviously, IT'S THE SHIRE. I use the Shire when I teach The Hobbit and LotR to my middle and high school students. I have them all create characters and we tour Bag End and other key areas mentioned in the books. They always love it.
Breeland (caveat OLD-style Breeland before all the changes) - So many mini-zones with different feels to them within the larger area, plus the ability to fully experience each of them before moving on. Other, more recent zones have had a similar feel that I liked, but were more compact in levels played and were structured so that you end up being pushed through hotspots linearly rather than experiencing the more sandbox style of Breeland.
Bonus: Least favorite: Angmar (especially West Angmar) - could it BE more brown? so much brown. Ugh. Blech. Hated it.