You obviously don't get it. You can freely get scrolls for seals that you already had saved up, but you cannot get seals anymore from raids. What happens when all of the seals are exhausted among the playerbase? You've already seen posts where players use 50 scrolls on 1 character, so it won't take long for that to happen. A supply crisis will inevitably happen, since the most efficient means to obtain the scrolls has been nullified. You will see prices go up, and people grinding festival content that offers scrolls at a slave-wage-esque rate. All of this was intended to create player frustration and push them to buy Mithril Coins.
Like many people who do not see the full scope of the issue, you focus on the sole good change (the option to overwrite) but not the multiple bad changes. I hope this post helps to remove some of that tunnel-vision.