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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    VXP on the store

    There are a number of store items that say they add +1 virtue to all virtues do these now give VXP? and Is there plans to bring VXP to the store, as the old virtue items were removed?

  2. #2
    SSG_RedPanda's Avatar
    SSG_RedPanda is offline The Lord of the Rings Online Team
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    Mar 2018
    The old items (Charity +1, bundle of zeal etc.) should not be available in the store anymore. If you had them, I think they were changed to grant an amount of virtue XP.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by SSG_RedPanda View Post
    The old items (Charity +1, bundle of zeal etc.) should not be available in the store anymore. If you had them, I think they were changed to grant an amount of virtue XP.
    Will we eventually be able to purchase Virtue XP on the store sort of like how we have it in the Tavern on Bullroarer? Small/Medium/Large xp sizes?
    Best blueline hunter in the whole game who streams mostly LOTRO at https://www.twitch.tv/babamelvinschnabel

  4. #4
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    Sep 2010
    Of course there will be new LOTRO Store items, they indicated as such when they announced the new Virtue System. After all, this new release will require the completion of 105 Deeds to go from the old 60 cap to 65 just upon the release of Minas Morgul. That will come to you even if you do not purchase the Expansion at this time. If you do not purchase now and will be waiting for March to buy the Expansion with LOTRO Points, you won't have access to the new Dailies that will award VXP as the Vales Dailies do now. Testers have indicated that with the Minas Morgul release those Vale Dailies will no longer award VXP.

    Well, I don't know if the old +1 Virtue LOTRO Store items should not be availible, but they were there just a couple of weeks ago. I just started cleaning up old Deeds in Eriador, Rohan, and Gondor to get my Virtues to cap (all were between 54 and 58, with 'Wit' being at 0). I searched the Store to see if there were VXP Packs and all I found were the +1 Items.
    It is logical, in view of the times in which we live. But to be logical is not to be right, and nothing on God's earth could ever make it right!
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  5. #5
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    They are already weaning us into it. By putting VXP in the new Hobbit gift system they are slowly adapting our brains to accept them in lootboxes as well.

  6. #6
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    Aug 2012
    The item scanner does have a vxp boost which is similar to the rep boost that doubles rep gain. Hasn't been linked to the store yet so no idea what it costs. In my opinion you won't see vxp in the store or lootboxes but instead see the vxp boost. This way players pay and play instead of paying to max virtues straight up.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by WhiteWolf21x View Post
    The item scanner does have a vxp boost which is similar to the rep boost that doubles rep gain. Hasn't been linked to the store yet so no idea what it costs. In my opinion you won't see vxp in the store or lootboxes but instead see the vxp boost. This way players pay and play instead of paying to max virtues straight up.
    I see.

    Managing to monetize VXP without going back on what was implied, that VXP would not be a store item and that it was not the reason for revamping the system. "Sneaky" and "tricksy" master.

  8. #8
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    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Lord.Funk View Post
    I see.

    Managing to monetize VXP without going back on what was implied, that VXP would not be a store item and that it was not the reason for revamping the system. "Sneaky" and "tricksy" master.
    I guess the choice is to pay for a valar 105 or 120 and get a chunk of VXP to fill the gaps or hope that you are a winner gambling your 8 MC for a gold present.

    M'Lord, I think you are the man to go onto the last round of BR and buy a large stack of MC and document what you get over a few hundred gold presents. Compare spending with store costs of items received as well as total VXP acquired against that provided by valaring at 104 (15X20k and 5X70k). Given the lack of a 120 to test... Suit a craft alt with little virtues but high(ish) level for the vxp space. If you can't make it I'll try to find the time and inclination.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Thumbs up

    Quote Originally Posted by Ballie View Post
    I guess the choice is to pay for a valar 105 or 120 and get a chunk of VXP to fill the gaps or hope that you are a winner gambling your 8 MC for a gold present.

    M'Lord, I think you are the man to go onto the last round of BR and buy a large stack of MC and document what you get over a few hundred gold presents. Compare spending with store costs of items received as well as total VXP acquired against that provided by valaring at 104 (15X20k and 5X70k). Given the lack of a 120 to test... Suit a craft alt with little virtues but high(ish) level for the vxp space. If you can't make it I'll try to find the time and inclination.
    You are correct, I probably would. However atm I have very little time. First we have had a leakage in my home during the heavy rains this summer. They are still trying to fix that. Some days water is turned off as they fix with plumbing, others days the electricity is switched off. I could go on about of de-regulating the hosuing market here has turned it into chaos with greedy landlords raising rents by 40% over a few years, or even over night in some cases. Regular people with low to avergae income not being able to afford rent, or having to norrow money from the bank, get in debt to buy their home, as even the interest is cheaper than rent atm. All the landlords do is go in and repaint a home (some cosmetic changes to the surface, so called concept renovation) and then raise the rent, while not fixing anything under the surface like plumbing or anything that needs fixing until it breaks totally. A de-regulated market has really made the greedy sharks smell blood and it's a mess right now for many. There is even an interesting documentary about this issue, but that might be too political for these forums to link that.

    We are also in the process of preparing my mothers home for sale. First we have gotten instructions from the broker on to remove this and that for the photo session that they will use in their catalogs and online to attract buyers. At the same time there are things that needs upgrading and repairing, due to faulty installation from the company that sold us the home 5 years ago. They have finally admitted it after some preassure and will do it for free (which for once is good), but it still takes time and we must be there etc. Among one thing they had placed the kitchen fan intake 10 cm too low so it's a hazard that close to the heating plates on the stove and must be raised etc. Only a government inspection finally pushed them to have to fix that for free.

    We just sold my moms and dads old home 5 years ago after our dad died, but of course our mom needed a home, so we got her a smaller one. However now her dementia is so bad that she is in a nursing home, so here we go again. Needless to say alot to do during the upcoming months. So playtime has to adapt not only to my regular life, my sons school, but now also all this. Real life always manages to throw all kinds of things at You it seems and never much rest.

    Alot of personal details there, sorry about that, but wanted to explain as to why I most likely will not have time for such deep tests right now. If You want and can do it that would be an insteresting result to compare. I'm sure people would appreciate such info. I know I would.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    I'm sorry about all that Lord.Funk, my wife's side of the family has been suffering with this kind of thing frequently the past few years and there's been a few scares on my side too. So much sadness and worry...
    << Co-founder of The Firebrands of Caruja on Landroval >>
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  11. #11
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    Oct 2011
    M'Lord, I get you.

    I'm lucky to have an older brother who's more adept at handling the sort of issues you have to take on yourself. Good luck. I'll get a craft alt copied over and setup for the test. Had my own issues with my ISP this last week, annoying drop-outs. Will fit it in.

  12. #12
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    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by auximenes View Post
    I'm sorry about all that Lord.Funk, my wife's side of the family has been suffering with this kind of thing frequently the past few years and there's been a few scares on my side too. So much sadness and worry...
    Quote Originally Posted by Ballie View Post
    M'Lord, I get you.

    I'm lucky to have an older brother who's more adept at handling the sort of issues you have to take on yourself. Good luck. I'll get a craft alt copied over and setup for the test. Had my own issues with my ISP this last week, annoying drop-outs. Will fit it in.
    Indeed, well I do have a brother and we help in all this. Also a sister but she lives pretty far away and can't travel here for every thing. Even us two helping and it still becomes alot. I'm a single dad too, so well alot of responsibilities, but not complaining as I still feel privileged to have participated so much during my son upbringing and life. To have him with me so much and not just like some weekends or something. I don't regret a single day of that even if it has been alot of work at times. I simply wanted to explain as Ballie suggesting it deserved an explaination. I find Ballie always beeing polite and respecful in the forums, so I wanted to repay that by being polite back. Not just write "I don't have time", but also explain why.

    Now I have a fever as well. Strange, body aches, stiff neck, fever, headache (a really bad headache that I have to take combination of 3 pills to combat and stay up), nausea and stomach not well either, but no runny nose or sore throat, so nothing like a cold but like a flu without the cold symptoms. Never had that before, usually a flu is with runny nose and sore throat as well. It started late friday. Oh well, just that tomorrow me and brother was going to pack alot of stuff in our moms home and prepare, but now I don't know if I'll be able too. Oh well sh*t happens and I guess I'll survive, he he he !!! Off to bed now and hope fever goes away.

    Thank You both auximenes and Ballie for Your concerns. Appreciated !!!

    Looking forward to reading the results of the testing on the various VXP variants.
    Last edited by Lord.Funk; Oct 27 2019 at 12:57 PM.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Not so sure the results will belong on this forum. Could be the P2W thread, the BR Hobbit Presents thread, a Virtue XP thread or a Gambling thread. But certainly not on a Store Feedback forum as you "can't buy VXP in the store", yet in a round about way in specific circumstances you can ofc.

  14. #14
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    Oct 2011
    There is one thing that might belong here is that the Virtue panel does have an accelerate link to the store and the hobbit presents thread on BR has detailed a virtue accelerator tome as a possible reward.

    It's a little cheesy to say no VXP in the store, but stretching all credibility having an accelerator for purchase. Like no rep purchasable in the store yet we all end up having to use rep accelerators in new content else we are all woefully short on rep by the end of the quest lines. Creating this huge gap in fixed VXP sources for new players, more grooming the new player into this pay mentality?

    Time we call our main health stat Hit Points along with SSG. The correct term perhaps inducing uncomfortable self reflection?

  15. #15
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    Jun 2011


    Quote Originally Posted by Ballie View Post
    There is one thing that might belong here is that the Virtue panel does have an accelerate link to the store and the hobbit presents thread on BR has detailed a virtue accelerator tome as a possible reward.

    It's a little cheesy to say no VXP in the store, but stretching all credibility having an accelerator for purchase. Like no rep purchasable in the store yet we all end up having to use rep accelerators in new content else we are all woefully short on rep by the end of the quest lines. Creating this huge gap in fixed VXP sources for new players, more grooming the new player into this pay mentality?

    Time we call our main health stat Hit Points along with SSG. The correct term perhaps inducing uncomfortable self reflection?
    Agreed. Again proof in my opinion how Micro-transactions, lootboxes etc change game design so it affects everyone, even those that tries to "ignore/filter" out lootboxes or not buy things from the store. Even those that will support the store for other things like vault, storage etc, but will not support game boosters etc. Evereyone gets affected when game is designed to be more grindy, slower progress, less rewarding loot drops, daily locks etc, simply all in an attempt to push people to the store to by-pass all that. The aim is to make it so tideous to play, with the goal that we go to the store to solve it. It doesn't matter how many pink glasses You try to put on, or live in denial. This is a fact that it affects us all.

    The initial excuse to sell certan things in store was that it's convenience there for those that have jobs, real life etc and can not play 24/7, so they can keep up. But nowdays even those that play more or less 24/7 can barely keep up anymore. The grind and artificial blocks has gotten to a point that if You do not pay extra the games has become so tideous and boring that it is not fun anymore. Even to the point where it starts to cost way too much fro many if add it all together. That goes for LoTRO and alot of other games too. Countless articles and videos from gamers out there with witness and tales of experiencing just that. It's the cancer that in short term might bring in a revenue but slowly rots gaming design from within until more and more will find gaming no fun anymore and maybe get other hobbies and interests. So in the long run it's killing gaming, not saving it.



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