Embers and Motes of Enchantment
So in their wisdom SSG have downgraded the armour and jewellery from Skaarhald's resale value to motes of enchantment even although you still have to use embers to buy it. So a piece that costs 2500 embers disenchants to 400 motes or less, motes only buy you level 115 items while you need embers to buy level 120 and above. In my opinion that is a complete rip off. If you are going to disenchant items to motes then at least you should be able to buy it with motes.
</end rant>
Freep Loben:Hunter:(R14)130 Izuru:RK:(R5)130 Masakana:LM:(R5)130 Umdlali:Mini:(R5)130 Inkosi:Champ:68 Ukaputeni:Cappy:(R0)55 Umsizi:Warden:49 Isela:Burg:(R6)130 Umlondolozi:Guard:31 Boscovar:Hobbit Mini 29 Dwani RK:21 Irno Burg:16
Creep Eish:BA:R7 Silentpaw:Warg:R5 Inyanga:Def:R3 Umgomo:Reaver:R2 Mpara:WL:R2 Isicabucabu:Spider:R3