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  1. #76
    CaerArianrhod's Avatar
    CaerArianrhod is offline Rohirrim Scout
    Guardian of Erebrandir's Horseshoe's Secret
    Trainer of the Rabbits
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    The Harrowing of Morgul

    Quote Originally Posted by Thorondir View Post
    right, but please tell me, why hunters should gain gear twice as fast as wardens ... The current system is the most fair one as everyone gains gear equally fast for their main role. And not to forget, we never had that many players that could actually tank 3 mans because the tanking gear was earned just at the side - yet most of the ones currently tanking never did so before because it would have meant twice the work. There should be no change, and definitively no return to a token system unless classes like a warden would then get twice as many tokens (e.g. an offensive and defensive) while hunters only get their offensive one - or else it would hurt the community much harder than a few tank gear pieces that drop for hunters.
    I do not agree with what you are saying.
    First: because i tanked with my guardian already moths ago T3 for example "The Harrowing of Morgul" without healer.
    Second: because you have a role in an raid (as you said!) so your "job" is to collect the items for this role. My tank warden was never so happy as now, because i got all the defensive agility stuff really very very quick for him and it was my first character which had full BiS gear (except the class raid set - yet)

    The current system is unfair if you look at how the gear is distributed in a raid between the agility classes.
    Offensive agility:
    1. Burglar
    2. DPS warden
    3. Hunter

    Defensive agility:
    1. Tank Warden

    So defensive agility gear is really soon only here for ash.
    The token system would allow to for every offensive class to gear up more quickly as there is no more "useless" defensive gear anymore.
    And this count to the class raid set also: what if you got only warden tank gear set pieces, but nobody needs it anymore? a token system would allow to get something useful instead. Same for beorning: what if you do not have one in your raid?
    But i don't want to hide it and have to admit, that the current system has some interesting characteristics too for the raid sets, since with the class specific drops one may gear up and play a character in the raid, which otherwise would not.

  2. #77
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by CaerArianrhod View Post
    I tanked with my tank warden t2 in Remmorchant.
    One of the T2 Raids did Remmorchant with a Champion DD - So that means that Champion DDs are fine? No, because just because you can do something with a trait line does not mean it is fine. Warden might be possible, it will certainly be much harder than other tank classes as they are massively lacking compared to them.


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