The option would be great. It could also help with loading times in Rivendell if players can choose to continue in the instance.
I fear this might not be possible unless they really change it to *one* instance. We cannot port from one instance to another - e.g. trying to open an instance from the housing area.
Difficulty, while this was easy on my 130 hunter with 3 peaks gear and fully crystalled ILIs, my 124 mini who I haven't played much had problems even in 120 gear. Please be careful with the tuning because there is such a big gap between BiS equipped players and those who barely have the minimum. Repetitive content is just not for everybody and even crafting has been placed behind such content. There is also the question of LIs as of lvl 50 and ILIs as of lvl 100. And the virtue requirements are completely messed up as of 130. Add to that everything from yellow to golden essences. And then we have the differences in classes and skill level of players itself. Difficulty of these missions should not be higher then landscape at that level, if necessary rather add a t2 instead of keeping the more story oriented players (not interested in end game of any sort) out.
Shouldn't these little stories not be a diversion for everyone, even the loniest, least skilled and worst equipped? Or do just those who chase the best deserve to play them?
I'd love to see a small amount of embers or something be added to the rewards as well (Same with Trestlebridge). To have some progression possibilities from just doing them.
Only VXP and the other stuff for the weekly is about the only things I'm getting from doing them. The gear from CA and WW's missions are decent for a fresh 130, but they get outdone rather quickly. I'd have put a weekly for trading the tokens in for embers on all 3 sets of the missions
I'd love to see a small amount of embers or something be added to the rewards as well (Same with Trestlebridge). To have some progression possibilities from just doing them.
Only VXP and the other stuff for the weekly is about the only things I'm getting from doing them. The gear from CA and WW's missions are decent for a fresh 130, but they get outdone rather quickly. I'd have put a weekly for trading the tokens in for embers on all 3 sets of the missions
I really would like to see a weekly reward for 10 mission, maybe instead of the 15. We have 10 Wildwood, 10 Adventures. Why not give something to finish only one of these sets a week? I hate adding to them.
IMO this is the result of not pursuing and improving ideas, both on developer and community side.
Too many things are considered as "the best possible system" at release and there is no room for improvement.
And too many things are considered as "the worst possible system" by the community, so there is no sense in improvement.
The best example for this are IMO epic battles. A system with potential, just not in the way it was deployed. There are numerous RTS or tower defense games out there, so obviously people like them. But what we got is a system with little options, many bugs, little player involvement, no NPC commanding, strange scripting mechanisms (e.g. killing too many mobs is "bad" because it can trigger phases too fast), strange designs (place barricades on free landscape such that mobs are slowed down instead of just running around them) and this "all or nothing" platinum reward mechanism.
But all of this does not mean that the idea was bad. It would just require a revisit of the concept, with major changes. It is just not how modern game design works. Just bring a new concept instead.
You have to factor in EGO as well. There is a lot of self importance permeating through the software development world because the route to self improvement comes from showing what you have personally developed.
So, further development of someone else's tech is not for those who want to go places whether that be in the same company or another.
So, I guess, but maybe not in all cases, that developing something new is far sweeter to motivate than to get someone to iron out the bugs and issues raised by players. Also, from a business managers point of view they always want the next thing to draw folks to purchasing an update etc.
So, will the promise of Missions being the de facto for how we continue the story on for the next x years?
I don't think they believe it and neither do I.
I'm still getting missing tracks and can't run away and back again to get them displaying (invis walls). Leave and return doesn't work every time either.
Figured that on my 15th run through on the Gloin encounter I'd not walk with him and just go down to where he next wants to converse with my character. Except in making that minor shortcut I miss some trigger that has the scouts arrive but fail to report the approaching danger, not that the danger was revealed as the encounter got stuck. Lost out to the 10/hour having to reset it today.
Glorfindel having to have his own sitting animation rather than a how the rest of us sit and requiring a change of targets is getting under my skin as the days go by. Doesn't yet annoy me as much as watching the stream video I'm looking at and a player clicking on a green skill for a desperate heal when it's an enemy targetable skill that's only generating "You cannot harm yourself" messages up until the inevitable defeat. No wonder they have 500+ MC. How much would they enjoy the class if they actually knew how to play it? Seems like it's disrespecting the work you guys put in not to read what your skills do still, let alone their powerful combinations.
I did my first missions yesterday (Wildwood), and I wanted to give my impressions of them too.
First, I like them. They remind me of skirmishes which are probably one of my favorite things to do in the game. It made me wonder why they were not simply made as skirmishes, because I think that would have been nice (I would REALLY like some new skirmishes), but then again, they might not have been able to make so many different ones with a skirmish, which tends to be longer, and has to be made for multiple tiers and party sizes. And I liked how many different ones there were.
There were some bugs, some times when the objective wasn't as clear as it could have been, etc. But that sort of stuff was mostly overlook-able because I was genuinely having fun.
I haven't done the Bilbo ones yet. Don't know if I will for awhile. But I did genuinely like the Wildwood ones, so thank you to the developers. Maybe make some bigger, longer ones that could be new skirmishes too. : P
I like that idea.
It would be good for an option: do one at a time, or do the whole shebang in one instance.
Might be kind of complex to set up after the fact though.
I hope they continue to develop the Mission-system and include some of the ideas that have been floated (like, adjustable it on level, or a couple either up or down).
I like that they let you keep doing it. You can basically do chapters 1 and 7 without fighting anything and get Xp and 2 towards your 15 and 45 weekly wrappers. I've been doing these over and over again (not just 1 and 7, but all 10), on 5 different characters to load up on the VXP tokens since they've come out.
Everyone is different. Some hate the mission grind, I happen to enjoy it because I don't have to travel all over the map to complete quests and progress.