There is also all the crafted LI's.
We have recipes for LI's from level 65 to level 100, and the only reason people would get a Weaponsmith or Woodworker up to Westemnet Guilded was because of the demand for level 100 Legendary Weapons. I opened a topic on this, but there is no reply as to what the plan is for those. I would be upset if they are completely gone as there are some really nice cosmetics among them....
Moved from Riddermark to Arkenstone on 9/29/2015!
Disclaimer: The definition of "Soon™" and "In The Near Future™" is based solely on SSG's interpretation of the words, and all similarities with dictionary definitions of the word "Soon™", "Near", and "Future" are purely coincidental and should not be interpreted as a time frame that will come to pass within a reasonable amount of time.