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  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Reward Track Reset

    What happens to unclaimed rewards when the track resets ?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2011
    I was about to ask this..
    Somebody please enlighten.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    This was answered in the Legendary Items section of the forums:

    Community Manager

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    With the caveats that we could always change the date based on whatever reason makes us do it, and that since this is the first refresh we could decide to do something else in the future, the plan is to run the Legendary Items Reward Track on an independent three month calendar, putting the refresh date around May 18th.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    I’d imagine the unclaimed rewards (whether earned or not earned yet upon track reset) just disappear and, voila, new track appears.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2016
    The rewards for the prior season are no longer available to claim when the new season begins, so make sure to claim all of your rewards prior to the start of the next season.
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The rewards for the prior season are no longer available to claim when the new season begins, so make sure to claim all of your rewards prior to the start of the next season.
    So tell me how most players will be able to use all the rewards , when you have a 10k ash cap ?
    Will there be compensation for lost rewards the players couldnt use , or cash in ?

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Rylnconn View Post
    So tell me how most players will be able to use all the rewards , when you have a 10k ash cap ?
    Will there be compensation for lost rewards the players couldnt use , or cash in ?
    Why would you be unable to use them? If you're at the cap, don't open the boxes and store them for later. If you're not at the cap, open the boxes. In either case, you have lots of currency to spend from these rewards. Why would you need compensation for having too many rewards to use?
    Arda Shrugged : Elendilmir (RIP) -> Arkenstone -> Anor (RIP) -> Landroval -> Treebeard

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by gildhur View Post
    Why would you be unable to use them? If you're at the cap, don't open the boxes and store them for later. If you're not at the cap, open the boxes. In either case, you have lots of currency to spend from these rewards. Why would you need compensation for having too many rewards to use?
    you said it store them .. most players already have storage mules for stuff that cant be converted , so just storage is the answer make more toons is the answer ? how about getting rid of the cap ... that would get rid of the storage issues .
    Storage is a make shift gimmicky way out , if thats what you want ..

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Cordovan View Post
    The rewards for the prior season are no longer available to claim when the new season begins, so make sure to claim all of your rewards prior to the start of the next season.
    Can we have some more storage released then please?

    Another 50 shared storage would be good but I guess you make more money from carry-all !!

    I would like to know if the legacy type storage are ever now going to be extended again?
    ----A casual stroll through the lunatic asylum shows that faith does not prove anything----


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Feb 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by LabadalofDorlomin View Post
    Can we have some more storage released then please?

    Another 50 shared storage would be good but I guess you make more money from carry-all !!

    I would like to know if the legacy type storage are ever now going to be extended again?
    It's a seasonal reward track ... you use the stuff each season, or lose it. The fact that you can try and hoard 50 AS boxes is kind of a bonus in their eyes.
    Aldowine (Captain), Aldosi (Guardian), Aldoik (Champion), Aldocome (Burglar), Aldobeorn (Bear), Aldomur (RK) - Arkenstone
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  11. #11
    Join Date
    Apr 2015
    So, now we've gone from having dozens, if not hundreds of heritage runes clogging our inventories, to dozens if not hundreds of Ancient Script boxes clogging our inventories, that we can't open, because we're at cap and if opened, the barter currency would simply be lost forever.

    Reward Track was touted as the solution to the pressure that heritage runes were putting on people's inventory space. But, it seems we've just exchanged one inventory clogger with another. Yay us.

    There is a fundamental disconnect, it seems, between the design of the Reward Track feature, and the wants/needs/expectations of users. And I'm not one who casually makes that claim -- in fact, I usually find myself on the side that defends LOTRO design decisions. But this interaction between inventory space and Reward Track has passed the point of absurdity. Reward Track now vies with crafting, as the worst thing that ever happened to people's inventories (not that crafting isn't valuable, but man, does it take up a lot of inventory space! Especially Cooking).

    The root cause, of course, is our old nemesis, the currency cap. We need to have a serious discussion over the need or desirability of currency caps. Not just off-hand, semi-official comments. Not inconsistent rationalizations over time. A serious discussion. Why are the currency caps there? Why should they continue? If it's a performance issue of some sort, just come clean on that. Although, as a programmer, it seems to me that the gyrations involved with displaying and enforcing currency caps are almost certainly greater than just letting the currency numbers grow, unless the fear is that they'll hit certain powers-of-two thresholds that may be problematic, e.g. 2^31 (signed 32-bit int), 2^32 (unsigned 32-bit), and so forth. But is that a realistic probability? And even if it is, put the cap there -- it's unlikely, perhaps impossible, that anyone will reach them.

    EDIT: It occurred to me, after the fact, that another way to implement a cap, if one is deemed necessary, is a diminishing-return function, with an asymptote at the desired cap. For the non-math geeks, that means you earn less and less of the currency, the higher your currency is, to the point where you can't even get beyond a certain level of currency. The value of this approach? It allows the setting of much higher caps, and for those players who may be inclined to maximize whatever they have (a subset of the LOTRO population which may be the primary target of the caps -- we don't know for sure, since we haven't been given a clear, consistent, official justification), it provides them a much higher level of engagement, than if they just hit the lower cap and stop. The other benefit: it becomes unnecessary to display the cap, since it would be implicit in the diminishing-return function. A cap would be known to one who is valiantly trying to reach it, but the majority of the user population would be blissfully unaware.
    Last edited by egarthur; Mar 26 2022 at 10:43 AM.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Oct 2021
    The above post explains the current problem perfectly.

    SSG decided we needed caps to prevent people from being able to jump to the head of the line.

    The problem with that is the caps for most everything except embers (which people work around by buying boxes and holding them) there is nothing for an end game/level cap player to purchase. Sort of like skirmish marks. Nothing out there unless someone in kin needs a class quest item or maybe a special crafting ingredient at lower levels. We don't have caps on skirmish marks and I have not seen wide spread abuse of those class and crafting items. People share with others. We don't have caps on the Moria tokens and the only purpose they serve is to help lower level characters obtain armor and progress through game content. No one is hurt by my level 60 having decent armor while leveling.

    How does one get to the front of the end game content line buying housing and cosmetic items with some of the special currencies? How does buying recipes in case a lower level character may someday use that crafted item? Gating all of those items with currency caps makes little sense. People tend to hoard and not help others when they have to watch caps.

    Ancient script is great for lower level characters because you can actually buy legendary item parts with the script. Does SSG really care if my level 60 in Moria is better equipped than another level 60 in Moria? Does SSG really care that my lower level character will be able to easily upgrade a weapon and not have to stop and do dailies before moving on to level cap?

    Ancient script does not help a level cap player because the level cap player really doesn't want to buy yellow and purple traceries and cannot buy any improvements above that with their script.

    The reason people have so many boxes of script in storage now is because at end game there is nothing to buy with the script.

    You can solve the box problem by making them go away but that would probably alienate a major portion of the player base. Why bother earning stuff you can't keep?

    Give folks something to buy and the box hoarding problem goes away.

    Remove the cap and the box hoarding problem goes away. I for one really do not care if someone else will have better traceries on day 1 of the next cap increase because they obviously earned them through game play and saving their ancient script for a rainy day.

    There are characters being put in "storage" and people just not playing anymore because of these caps.

    Maybe a dev could post here exactly what purpose the caps serve? If the folks at SSG could start a post explaining the various caps and why we need them, maybe you could start an exchange of information and all of us would have a better understanding as to what is needed and why the caps are/are not useful and important?



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