Thanks for putting on a fun contest! I didn't win anything but there were some really fun and inspirational ideas that people came up with. Cheers to the winners, they deserved it!
On a semi-unrelated note, I saw you posted a video of Saruman's Orrery in action a little while ago and I'm 99% sure you took it at my house, based on the ceiling design and background music. I got a kick out of that. Anyone can come down to 2 Cape Road, Amarlad, Belfalas, Landroval and see for yourself!
On a semi-unrelated note, I saw you posted a video of Saruman's Orrery in action a little while ago and I'm 99% sure you took it at my house, based on the ceiling design and background music. I got a kick out of that. Anyone can come down to 2 Cape Road, Amarlad, Belfalas, Landroval and see for yourself!
And you're totally right with that!
I often take pictures of deco items I don't have in my collection while visiting others houses during D&Co's contests.
And now, you're on the website (and on youtube )
Other than that, thanks everyone for participating. It was a fun contest to run, on to the next one now
D&Co du Milieu (English - French): Housing Magazine & database.
Founder of the kinship "Beschützer des Lichtes" Server Belegaer Beschützer des Lichtes
Founder of the german newspaper for Lotro and Tolkien Funkenflug