The Brandywine Theatre Company (BTC) is proud to announce the formation of an entirely new organization.
Our goals: to have a ton of fun acting, singing, playing music, and being really creative in bringing the theatre to life in LotRO.
Past performances include "The Phantom of the Opera" and "WICKED" and
Future plans: "The Greatest Showman", a high energy, shorter production which will be presented on Brandywine and Landroval -- and the Broadway musical "Into the Woods" which will be performed on Brandywine.
We are looking for more to join in the fun and creativity - and you don't have to leave your kin at all!
Miloa interviewed Tahnys, Khaalirien and Bijon about the Brandywine Theatre Company: see the interview here
Please feel free to contact Khaalirien or Bijon on Brandywine, or Tahnys on both Brandywine and Landroval for more information.