i didnt see many freps dieing in 1v1 on Br only the clickers and rly bad players died in 1v1 to a creep
now this bad players come here and cry for a buff witch they allready got in dmg a massive buff actually seen from creep side
since there are almost no creeps left on Br to get ez clapped.
its a farm fest allready.
btw all the creep lvl up passive skills are still all lvl 95 can you ajust them to lvl 140 ?
and dont even waste you time talking to this freeps they will write walls of text how bad power drain is, but no freep run out of power on BR while fighting
creeps are in the worst state since orion returend only buffs for freeps and soo many nerfs allready , still freeps complain
all servers dead no creeps at all but on en and ark, but this freeps still complain
is this normal?????
pls buff creeps and do not listen to easy modders who cant even play the game
when a freep knows how to play he wins any 1v1 vs creeps no problem
and why is only a rvr abel to 1v1 freeps and winning vs the super bad once and they still complain ###
a rvr can win a 1v1 nerf all creeps or i and my kin boycot the game