This week we have special guest Syp (aka Justin Olivetti) from the Massively “Road to Mordor” column as well as his own blog Bio Break.

Work has been kicking our butts lately so had Syp not been the star of this week’s episode, the title of this week’s podcast most likely would have been “Week of Fail”. Merric didn’t get time to prep and publish the Warden Roundtable like we said and Goldenstar had forgotten to put up the player achievement post and at the time of recording had not created a new weekly poll!

Goldenstar did get her Huntress to level 40 by doing the Earthkin quests in the Angmar entrance like we talked about last week. Merric has almost gotten his minstrel to level 40. His next alt seems to be the hunter in which case we will return to duoing with our level 30 Hunter/Rune-keeper combo.