New & Improved Forum Reputation - Now With Comments!
I just wanted to start a thread and make sure that everyone is aware of a new forums feature that seems to have come on-line today. If this has already been discussed elsewhere then I apologize for the duplicate post in advance. However, I didn't see it in the announcements and I didn't see any threads devoted to this topic, so I thought I'd start one.
NOTE: Credit where credit's due. It was Sirwillow's original post that brought this to light and with his cooperation and that of Robnkarla (et al) I think we've got this thing pretty well nailed down.
Forum users now have the ability to leave a comment when they add (or subtract) forum reputation to another forum user. Now, when you click the "Reputation" link at the bottom of a users post, a little window pops up with a text box so that you can leave a comment for them to explain why you gave (or debited) them reputation!
Adding rep works, pretty much, as it always has - except that now there's also a text box that you can type a comment into. I really like this idea and believe it will get much use.
However, finding comments left for you (along with reputation) from other forum members is a little tricker. As far as I know there's no pop-up (like there is for a PM) that lets you know you've received a comment. Instead you have to go back to the original post for which you received reputation. So how do you find them? Here's how...
When you get a rep bump from someone it appears in a list on your User CP page under the heading "Latest Reputation Received". Newest activity comes in at the top of the list. So, let's say you just checked your User CP page and found that someone gave you reputation because there's a new subject line at the top of the list. Click that subject line and it'll take you directly to the post for which you were given reputation. Once there, click on the "Reputation" link at the bottom of your post - as if you're going to give yourself reputation (this, of course, is not possible).
Now, when you click the "Reputation" link on your own post, it will pop up a message that tells you if you were given negative or positive rep for the post (not sure this part is working 100% yet), your total reputation and any "rep comments" that were left for you. How cool is that?
Perhaps I should wait for an official announcement but I really like this feature and want to make folks aware that it's available. I just left rep for someone and added a little comment when I did. As I did I wondered if they would ever see the comment or even know to look for it. So, I figured the best way to make sure everyone was aware of the new feature was to start a new thread about it - I hope y'all agree.
Thanks for reading - I'll answer any questions I can but I'm really no expert. I just wanted to let you guys (and gals) know about the new feature. Thanks again.
Re: New & Improved Forum Reputation - Now With Comments!
Beware that this may be an accident... the forum reputation feature was tested before it ever went live, and they decided both here and on DDO that the "comment" feature was better left off. Basically, too many people were jerks about it since they're anonymous, especially for negative comments, and it was causing Turbine too many moderation headaches.
It's possible they changed their minds and turned it back on again. But it's also possible that it's on by accident, and they're going to turn it back off.