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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Thumbs down Who to Email to appeal to banning?

    A friend of mine was banned with no return date and I feel this to be an atrocity to the game. Everybody(except the reporter) likes this guy and i need to put in a good word. Please let me know.
    "....and Truth is a relative value directly attached to the design of that which perceives it...".

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Theres no point in trying, Turbine have the worst customer service anyway, they are all robots over the phone and email, they just want to say.. "Computer says nooooo......" they don't have a shred of decency or human empathy or initiative. Your friend will remain banned I am afraid.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Zarin View Post
    Theres no point in trying, Turbine have the worst customer service anyway, they are all robots over the phone and email, they just want to say.. "Computer says nooooo......" they don't have a shred of decency or human empathy or initiative. Your friend will remain banned I am afraid.
    I must take umbrage with this assertion. WBGames actually has some of the finest CS I have ever dealt with anywhere. Now, if you're complaining about a ban, well, they get that a lot. Everyone has friends, but I can assure you from my life in gaming that companies do not take banning lightly.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2010

    Unhappy I hate when players get others banned on purpose

    Quote Originally Posted by Zanaspus View Post
    I must take umbrage with this assertion. WBGames actually has some of the finest CS I have ever dealt with anywhere. Now, if you're complaining about a ban, well, they get that a lot. Everyone has friends, but I can assure you from my life in gaming that companies do not take banning lightly.
    There is a profanity filter. This is a nasty thing for our server, our friend is a great person and a better player. He always makes others feel a light-hearted sense of togetherness. Well i tried account support maybe they will refer me :/
    "....and Truth is a relative value directly attached to the design of that which perceives it...".

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Zanaspus View Post
    I must take umbrage with this assertion. WBGames actually has some of the finest CS I have ever dealt with anywhere. Now, if you're complaining about a ban, well, they get that a lot. Everyone has friends, but I can assure you from my life in gaming that companies do not take banning lightly.
    You must be from the US then because EU customers don't get customer service. Turbine have the worst customer service I personally have ever experienced, I work at a company that if a customer has a complaint, or an issue, we work hard and try and find any way to solve it. Here they just have a list of protocols that they have to follow, if your issue isn't covered by their policy then they wont move a muscle to help you, not to mention the 2-4 day waiting time which to me is usually more like 1 week +

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I should disagree with you. I've been very happy with the turbine support lately. My account got suspended and i did not get any mails. I submitted a ticket and they answered me within 30 minutes. And they have been very helpful. Ofcourse they did not unban me. My account remained suspended for 3 days. This is business and rules you are talking about. Nobody is going to unban your account because you feel sorry or your friends love you. Would your boss give your job back after firing you even if you were the most handsome or the most appreciated? no.

    Intentional or not, if you act against CoC, rules happen and you get banned, suspended or whatever punishment they have.

  7. #7
    Sapience is offline Former Community Manager & Harbinger of Soon
    Join Date
    Aug 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Glorfindel777 View Post
    A friend of mine was banned with no return date and I feel this to be an atrocity to the game. Everybody(except the reporter) likes this guy and i need to put in a good word. Please let me know.
    There is nothing you can do, but your friend can contact customer support and appeal the ban. I'd strongly encourage a phone call as it's the fastest way to get an answer and resolve the situation. Support cannot speak to you or anyone else about it, only the person whose name appears on the account can appeal it.

    What I can say is bans are not arbitrary things and they are almost always progressive. Meaning you usually get warnings, brief 1-3 day bans and other notices from CS before you are banned outright. There are exceptions for very significant TOS violations, but those are fairly rare. In short, bans are something you do have to work at. They are just random things GMs or other staff throw out on a whim.

    Now, because this is the kind of topic that can quickly become heated and rarely leads to any positive results (as I noted above your friend contacting suport is the only way to address it), I'll be locking this thread.
    Last edited by Sapience; Mar 20 2013 at 09:07 AM.



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