My character Lilikate would like to find fun, free folk to become pals with. I am leader of Lilikate's Creatures, a newly created kinship to explore the delights of the Gilrain community.
Tell me what's good about your server, would you welcome the Creature's Band playing on Bree Stage?
I am writing a mini series of posts ( about my experiences on starting a character over here, looking and comparing quieter servers with more populated ones. Do you think this is an issue?
So far I have enjoyed my start in The Shire and look forward to developing new ties and friendships over the coming months and longer.
Hi Katiepie,
Welcome to Gilrain
I'm part of a kin called "The Elders" though I soloed for most of the game. If you look below your thread, you'll see we have done small social meets, usually focused around a real life event - Tolkien's Birthday, Hobbit Reading Day, Guy Fawkes night (UK), etc and they usually end up with fireworks and a laugh. I'll have to better organise them but hopefully we'll do more. I love the idea of there being a band on Gilrain, it would be great to see something like Weatherstock happening on our server. I'm musically challenged, so I can't help you so much with the performance but I'd definitely be interested in seeing such an event get started.
Though we are low population, I have seen when you broadcast something like a random fireworks event, people will turn up.
Anyways, welcome. Please feel free to add me, my alts are listed below, the main being Ranatuor but there are alts closer to your level and if you need any help, I will be glad to lend a hand. Had quite a few people do that for me when I started out
Last edited by Ranatuor_Erutron; Jun 30 2014 at 05:12 PM.
"I am a servant of the Secret Fire, wielder of the flame of Anor. You cannot pass." Officer in the Elders kinship -
We have left the wandering spark (Gilrain) to find the Song of Gold (Laurelin)...
Thank you for the warm welcome. I have had two play sessions in Gilrain and I really enjoyed myself.
I did see that there was community activity on Gilrain, and I had a friend who used to play on this server. So it does come well recommended.
I thought it might be a fun experience to join a UK server. Although I mainly play on Landroval I am an EU resident. I would love to take part in any server events.
I will include any further events advertised on my community events articles on
I think the Brits could manage a Pub Crawl... That would be a fun event. Lilikate enjoys Pie and Berry Juice.
When I am a little more established I was going to pick a midweek evening as a regular slot to play on Bree Stage. I always finish my playing sessions with a tune or two.
If I have to pick one good thing about our server, I would say people. Our server is small but most peeps are friendly and helpful.
You probably know or heard of the Muckin Fuddle Band as they also play on Landroval. Their home on Gilrain is our Omerta kinship. I'm sure they would be willing and happy to team up with you for some jam session in Bree or elsewhere .
On a more practical note, if you need help to get started (crafted items, crafting mats, coins to upgrade vault... anything!) feel free to send tell or mail, or shout in global.