I was disappointed to see that using emotes in the the shrew-stomping garden has been banned this year. Seriously, half the fun of doing the festival quests in that garden is emoting yourself and others while you wait for the stomping to actually start. Now I know that some people find the forced emotes annoying, but that is what the choice in the options to not allow them is for. Most players I know were not happy with this change and feel that it should be reverted back to how it was before.
If a emote banned area does need to exist, it should only be in the actual stomping area, but the surrounding areas where the quest givers are should be fully emote allowed. This goes for the beer bashing arena in Thorin's Hall as well. No emotes in the battle area but emotes allowed in the quest giving area. Are you trying to make the festivals boring Turbine? Festivals are the ideal time for going all out with emoting and you have critically reduced the enjoyment quotient by over banning them. Those who don't like them have the option of turning forced emotes off. Having this option added was a good thing, but forcing the rest of us who like them to not use them during the ideal time for them is cruel and unusual punishment.