Hi, I was forced by the reason of lack of free time to skip playing the Lotro between Feb'19 till August'19, and I am wondering if there is any kinship running old content (both 6 man instances and raids)? I've been playing on Anor, but can transfer to Ithil it would be no problem.
Thanks for suggestions
Hi, I was forced by the reason of lack of free time to skip playing the Lotro between Feb'19 till August'19, and I am wondering if there is any kinship running old content (both 6 man instances and raids)? I've been playing on Anor, but can transfer to Ithil it would be no problem.
Thanks for suggestions
I don't know what level you are, but I wanted to put in a plug for Victory's Secret. We're a challenge kin who plays without armor and jewelry. We're very active, but small and effectively a slow-leveling kin at lvls 55-65 right now.
We can't pull off anything larger than 6-man, though.
PM Ardith, Wisa, or Sugaree on Anor if interested.
Hi, I was forced by the reason of lack of free time to skip playing the Lotro between Feb'19 till August'19, and I am wondering if there is any kinship running old content (both 6 man instances and raids)? I've been playing on Anor, but can transfer to Ithil it would be no problem.
Thanks for suggestions
Idk about Anor but in Ithil there's a SLOTRO kin (slow progression) called The Way of the Tortoise (requires the use of a Stone item to disable XP). Their current max level is 50. Here's a link: https://wot.gamerlaunch.com/