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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2017

    Doomfold Jeweller Recipes Gone Missing

    My Doomfold jeweller alt has lost access to all recipes except for the Lore-Master and Brawler class items. Is this a bug? Anyone know what happened? I'd like to be able to craft some replacement materials for my main who just hit level 120 and is going to lose access to some of his jewelry, but my crafting alt has somehow become useless!

    Also, in a possibly unrelated event, my main lost all of his accumulated fragments of shadow essences when he removed them from storage. They simply disappeared without comment. They're gone from storage and not in inventory. Any clues about this one?

    I'm aware these may be dumb questions, as I'm a pretty casual player, but this is kind of frustrating and I'm hoping for some insight.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    I checked with my kinship and no one reported an issue. My personal jeweler did not have any such recipes because I did not feel like bartering my Mordor signets for them. Only the class items are automatically rewarded. I personally went to the barterer and was able to learn one of them. It is possible you just didn't get any recipes. Or it could be that you typed something into the filter by mistake. That's usually the cause whenever someone in my kinship says they lost recipes.

    When someone says something disappeared from their inventory, it means that it was relocated. If you didn't play before the introduction of the premium wallet for everyone, I'd first check there. Tokens don't convert until they pop into your inventory out of storage. Another possibility is you have a Carry-All bag that automatically took it in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2017
    Thanks for the tip about the Premium Wallet WeirdJedi. That's exactly what happened. I'll have to look back at my filters when I switch back to my crafting alt.



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