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  1. #1

    Elendilmir LOLcats!

    Whee! Our favourite provider of LOLcats www.icanhascheezburger.com have a funky caption builder and tons of blank pictures for you to build away with.

    I thought we could get some really creative and funny things come out of it, whether it relate to just the game in general or specific people on the server.

    Build us some LOLcats!

    Once you've finished, you can upload them onto www.thefatlute.com and have a place to share your masterpieces in the LOLcat hall of fame!

    I'll start off, although they're pretty lame. Most of them aren't even cats. lol.




    And my personal favourite:


    Have fun!
    Last edited by Bob; Apr 23 2008 at 12:36 PM.
    ~Figgy~ 87~
    Hobbit Minstrel



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