legendary melee weapon
I am new to the hunter forum as my hunter is an alt. so forgive me if this question has been asked before.
Are they any major difference to having a 2nd age melee weapon, vs a third age lvl 65 or a 59-60 first age.
I do pvmp in the moors and intend to raid with him.
I know I have more points and a little better dps with the 2nd age.
But is enough of a difference to spend a symbol on, or is it a waste.
Hardt Guardian 95 R9~Nofroe Hunter 95 R7~Brohardt RK 95 R6~Corvalien Cappy 86 R6
Maximillion Champ 88 R4~Dahila mini 85 R6~Dbuff LM 65 R4~Annikaa Warden~Sanfred Burg
Creeps~Blackpain BA R8~Pebkac Warg R5~Steroidrage Reevah R6
~Leader~ [url]Intothewest.guildlaunch.com[/url] ~Elendilmir server~