Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
Question 1
Excluding, PvMP, Legendary Items and Radiance gear, what systems do you feel could be expanded or revised? Please list two and give a brief description of how you would revise/expand them.
1. Travel/Swift Travel-There should be decided upon for a "capital" of sorts for each region (ie, Michel Delving for the Shire, Rivendell for Trollshaws, 21st Hall for Moria) and swift travel should be made available (rep based) to every capital from every capital. (Yes, implying swift travel MD-->Emyn Lum)

2. LFF tools-if there was some way to globally "register" that you would be willing to group for particular quests/instances, then someone could go to "Instance X and see "Players A, B, and C" need this, too, maybe we can make a group?"

Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
Question 2
If you could add an entirely new gameplay mechanic to LOTRO what would it be?
A sparring/emote inhibitor for densely populated locales.

Quote Originally Posted by Sapience View Post
Question 3
Name two activities in game that you never seem to have enough time to enjoy or would like to spend more time participating in. (Note: Things currently in game, not new activities or events.)
Easy, crafting and gathering mats. I simply love making items and gear for friends and kinmates. However, if I want to cook up like 200 racks of lamb for kin use, it is a big time sink and I avoid it.

Is there any way we can set our toons to craft like a bazillion of Item X, log on another toon, and then go back when the crafting is done? lol.