I don't understand why every month (it seems), we, the community, are asked for feedback on new systems / revamps / etc. we would like to see.

How many times do you have to ask this question(s), or better yet, how many times do you have to reword the same question(s)???

I say enough already. Either respond / create / update / revamp / tell us never to the answers we post repeatedly everytime these questions are asked, and stop beating the horse... IT'S BEEN DEAD for months, if not years!!!

I'm a lifer. I haven't logged in though since shortly after Mirkwood (no need to at that point). I completed most of what it had to offer pretty shortly after release, and choose not to grind to do the gated material. However, I do check the forums often.

I'm amazed at how many times the devs seem to ask the same thing over and over again. If they haven't figured out by now what the community wants with all their questions, polls, surveys, etc... it's time for them to move along to another company / field / unemployment.

Phew... rant off for now. I'm sure others can agree with me here. Have a great day!