Forum Homepage Revamp?
I noticed that the forums homepage is somewhat different now than it used to be... And quite honestly I prefer the old version. Here's the new one that's showing up for me...
[][charsig=]undefined[/charsig][/url] [color=deepskyblue]
[b]~ The Veteran ~ [/b]Reaver Foe ~ Stalker Foe ~ Blackarrow Foe ~ Weaver Foe [/color]
[color=lightgreen] [b][][color=red]Esclord[/color][/b][/url] ~ Level 65 Rank 7 Champion[/color]
[][b][color=red]Horenal[/url][/b][/color][color=lightgreen] ~ Level 65 Rank 6 Lore-Master[/color] [b][color=deepskyblue]~ Challenger of Gortheron ~ [/color][/b]