Seriously considering a warden but a few questions.
When I ask in game it is not clear what a wardens role actually is, I understand it is tanking but I hear groups wont let wardens tank?
Anyways I want a class that will invite me to groups often from 20 and up, I want to be able to atleast fill more then one role. If anyone here has played eq2 could you tell me if the warden feels anything like a monk in the group? The monks in eq2 where fast very fast attackers, could tank, offheal and of course dps.
Are wardens actually fun in groups?
And lorewise where do there abilities come from? They are very flashy and look almost magical, and do you get allot of flashy melee attacks?
Lots of questions I know, but im tired of trying characters ive pretty much narrowed it down to burglar, warden, and loremaster possibly a minstrel.
I dropped my captain he has my favorite playstyle but I hated his melee style I do not like slow 2hander weapon types.