Tell The Community Team - Favorite Items - 10/1/10
How it works:
From time to time we'll be asking you questions, and here in our thread, you tell us: What comes to mind; what you think; how you feel; etc, as it relates to the question(s) at hand.
Ground Rules:
Because we want this to be a place where we can gather valuable feedback from our community we're going to be a little tougher on the rules enforcement here. Please read both the Ground Rules and the Forum Guidelines before you do anything else. These will be strictly enforced.
Why do we sometimes ask you to limit your answers?
Because what we’re looking for are the top issues or absolute best answers you can give. Anyone can come up with a top ten list of things they’d like to see. Filling out a list is easy, but coming up with the most important issues or the things that really matter takes a bit more thought. Those are the responses we’re looking for.
Reminder: This is not a discussion thread. It is a Q&A. We ask questions, you give your answers. Multiple posts, editorials, debates/opinions about someone Else's answer, will be ignored or deleted.
Polls: Polls will allow you to vote only once. You cannot change your vote once it is submitted.
Question 1
What are your favorite consumable items? Please choose up to three items only.
Question 2
What are your favorite cosmetic items? Please choose up to three items only, pictures are welcome!
Question 3
Which in game item do you find the most useful?