Always repair an item before selling it. You get more money for it, and you get more than it cost to repair. For example, if you have a sword you would like to sell lets ays it's worth 1s 50c when 100/100 if you try to sell it when it's 90/100 you'll only get 90c for it, but if you repair it, the repair cost would only be something like 20c, so you would end up with an extra 40c if you repair it before selling vs not repairing.
I hope that makes sense. I'm typing this up on my T-mobile... Tiny screen & keyboard =P
This isnt always the case. I am not sure if it just depends on the item, or if it depends on how damaged it is, but I know that I have had items that were more expensive to repair than they were worth. This seems to actually be usually the case, so I end up just selling everything before I repair, because it isnt worth the hassle to figure out what is worth repairing and what isnt.