You should try out the Rift open beta next week, it starts on the 15th.

I've played in the last two betas (5&6) and PvP is really fun.

You can play on either an open world PvP server or a PvE server.

Open PvP allows PvP anywhere, anytime, including griefing, so it might not be for everyone. PvP servers also have all of the PvP options that the PvE servers do as well.

On the PvE servers all PvP is what I'd call "consensual". You can do what they call Warfronts. These are instanced, up-to 15 vs 15 players matches with objectives like capture the flag, capture control points, etc. PvE servers also have shared zones for RvR with control points. You can also flag your self for PvP and go into the opposing factions areas, but you can't attack anyone that isn't flagged for PvP, of course if they attack you they get flagged.

If your getting sick of TR/TA bridge fights or camping grams... you might give Rift a shot.