This is the last of our interviews from PAX East and this is chatting with Aaron “Rowan” Campbell and Joe “jwbarry” Barry.

Spoiler Alert: This interview is primarily about the new dungeons, especially the new raid. If you want to keep this a surprise, you may want to skip this one.

This interview gives us a nice description and walk through of the new raid, Ost Dunhoth, and discusses the gaunt-lord bosses.

Joe also goes over what’s new with this new instance cluster. For example, the differences with tier 1 and tier 2, the challenges in the dungeons and what players types were considered while designing these instances.

I think this was a really great interview and after listening to jwbarry describe the raid I think you’ll be super excited to get inside this and try it out! I know I am!

Listen to the full audio at A Casual Stroll to Mordor.

We also have a video of the fear boss from Ost Dunhoth available!