Check it out. You can see the average infamy earned per class, total infamy on creep/freep side, ettens population, class distribution, total daily infamy earned per character and so in.
It was a fun read for me.
EDIT: Oh yes, almost forgot my e-peen enlargement. I never thought I would beat Delotha in his own game http://dailystats.theblackappendage....lrain/showLast
Hmpf. Looks like they already updated and the previous day is gone.
Wonder if someone can move this thread to the PvMP sub-forum. Don't know why I created it here.
Last edited by Gluthrog; Jul 12 2011 at 10:38 AM.
Laslo Haven - Rank 4 Champion in Hecil Gluthrog - Rank 11 reaver in Khaos (glûdh n. soap, raug n. demon)
Lock your houses, hide your children - the soapdemon is coming to get you.