The results of exhaustive testing
have shown that the +30% DPS applied
every time "Skill and Power"
gets used is the bread and butter that
really makes our class shine. Each and
every build that doen't currently include
a useful trait like this is, in my opinion,
totally gimped. Now with our future
class change, this mandatory gambit
has totally changed, ruining all builds
including it. "Skill and Power" beats
conviction as a core mechanic. If you
keep applying it, its a no brainer that the
extra +30% Damage, as it stands
now, is our best trait.
Stupid posts like
this are not in the least
educational to the community.
Very often I find them profane,
even morally degrading
Grow a pair and
respect the rules more.
Acting like such a child
shames warden kind and
stops us from getting
help we badly need from the devs.
Onsets of forum stupidity
predetermine a forums future
path in development,
eradicating a community like this would be
really shameful to these forums.
Go post in the guardian forums if
obstinate stupidity is your pre-
determined goal for yourself.
Originally Posted by LtDiablo
If you can't read this, have your R back
Oh our memes ^
lol, we haven't played this game in awhile, how retro! ^-^