but when one is 32 bit and one 64 ?If you have more than one computer with onecomputer that has completed the download, you don't have to wait to update your other computers.
windows: go to mycomputer, click on the drive that has your program files on it, click on program files folder, click on the turbine folder(or what ever folder it is in), copy the The Lord of the Rings Online folder and paste it on to an external hard drive, connect the flash/jump drive or external hard drive to your other computers and you can copy it in to the folder where your lotro file is store and delete the non updated version. You will need to drag the mce short cut from the The Lord of the Rings Online folder to your desktop. The mce shortcut has a ring with an arrow on it next to it.
You might be able to email it to your self if you don't have an external hard drive, but flash/jump drives don't have enough space.
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