I have been RPing in MMO's for almost 5 years now spent a couple in wow and recently have spent the last 3 in Aion. Me and good friend of mine left Aion because it was getting a bit too Emoish and the RP community is dieing to put it politely as there is roughly 20-30 some odd active RPers in all the servers and that's it. We are looking for a new outlet spew our proverbial creative juices when I happened on your lovely server forum here. Now that my stupidly and probably un needed rant about my past is over I pose a question for you kind people. As far as Race specific RP goes, do the races themselves interact in common RP areas so often or is it basically clicks sort of. Examples are obvious, "This Elf click here, this human click here, this hobbit click here etc etc..." Or do all the races generally all coagulate together?
I ask this only because I know LOTR RP is very lore heavy and I have absofreakinglutely no problem with that whatsoever, however, I don't want to make a dwarf and only RP with dwarves and so and so forth. Any help in clarifying this would be of great worth to me and my friend