Heroes of the North Kingdom (HoNKs)
Hey there
Heroes of the North Kingdom have been around for afew years, well from June 2007 actually lol, we like to have fun together when we can but above all we are a social bunch. Alot of us have real life commitments that can limit our ingame time but theres normally someone around willing to lend a helping hand, as and when they can. Most of the kin are, shall we say, mature in years
Our goal is to try to make sure that everyone in the kin enjoys the time they spend in game, be that crafting, off soloing or dying together trying something new
Should this sound like a group of people youd like to get to know better then please dont hesitate to contact me ingame for a chat, via pm here or apply via our website www.hotnk.shivtr.com
Whichever kin you decide to join on Gilrain, you will be on a fantastic server with lots of great kins and people
Happy gaming to you all
ps to kinnies that missed migration, yes we are still here
Co - Leader of Heroes of the North kingdom Est June 2007 Forrest LM 96, Forra Guardian 85, Forrestiel Mini 100, Iraynia Burg 85, Miareth Hunter 97