It takes SO LONG to log in, like at least 5 minutes on my 75 lm. Lower level characters are better but still take a few minutes. Maybe it's because they're outside the great river area, idk, I can test this later. But when I'm logging, the little glowy circle above the 'loading...' screen will freeze and if I click the window it will say 'not responding' but then recover after a few seconds.
I get this too on my level 71 character, long loading time plus "client not responding" a few times till I get in. I also get the "lotroclient not responding" message every time I exit the game since Update 6. Windows looks for a solution and then tells me to just close it. I've got the in-game problems as well.
Sapience, thanks for telling us about the "halo" effect - I can appreciate the difficulty of pinning down the cause(s) of the problem.