A quick question 6 days before release. I still haven't pre-ordered RoR, right now I'm doubting between pre-ordering or buying the questpack with TP on the 15th.

What I know: The instance cluster will not be included in the questpack I can buy with TP on the 15th. It's probably available on a later date, as with Isengard, as part of the 'RoR-expansion' in the LotRO store.

The question that's left for me now is based on the official pre-order FAQ. It states:

3. Do I have to buy the expansion to get a War-steed?
No. All players will be able to participate in mounted combat. Free players, however, do not have access to all of the War-steeds abilities (two of the three trait trees are locked) but will be able to purchase access and unlock s through the LOTRO store. Players who have purchased the Expansion will have all aspects of mounted combat unlocked immediately.

So, what if I buy the 'quest pack' on the 15th in the LotRO store? Do I get the quest pack only, or are these mounted combat aspects included?

And is there anything else like these 'mounted combat aspects' that is included in the 'expansion' but not in the 'quest pack'?
(next to the instance cluster, but that's one I already know)

Just so I won't get any nasty surprises if I do decide not to pre-order.