Quote Originally Posted by Trowen View Post

Ok, I just disabled the Sound card as you said, in the Device Manager, tried to run LOTRO and same result, I can get to character select screen, I can stay on that screen, but soon as I hit Enter World, it just takes a few seconds and it crashes to desktop.
I'd put in a tech support request if you haven't they can get alot more in-depth than I can via the forums.

From the expanded description of it happening before you even select the character is that if it's not a lua plugin crashing the client from not being updated then it might be data corruption, but one last thing I'd recommend thing I'd try is a full reset at the launcher (second button in the row in the upper right > Options > Repair > click to enable "Reset game display settings" and click ok. When you login you'll get an 'are you sure you want to reset?' prompt at which you choose yes.

Also to anyone running plugins on occasion just disabling them might not be enough you sometimes in rare cases have to completely remove the plugins from the "Documents" > "The Lord of the Rings Online" folder. A quick test of this is to rename "The Lord of the Rings Online" in "Documents" (My Documents on XP) to "OLDThe Lord of the Rings Online" and relaunch to test.